Equation editor

I'm wondering if you can adjust the 'font size' of equations or do they present as one size. I am finding it is displaying quite large compared to the text.
Best Answer
Hi Sue,
The Config Variable d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.MathjaxScaling ( Org ) sets the default scaling for any equations that are rendered by MathJax - used by the WYSIWYG editor. Typically, equations are scaled slightly larger than surrounding text - the default value is 150.
For example, setting this value to 100 will default the equation size/scale to same size of the surrounding text.
You will need administrative privileges to make the Config Variable change. A change to this variable will apply to all current and future equations.Best to discuss the proposed change with your institutions Brightspace administrators.
Hope that helps!
thank you for taking the time to provide such a detailed response. I must have the authority because your suggestion worked :)