resubmit an assignment or discussion

IN many cases, I have told students to resubmit an assignment or discussion for various reasons, usually they did the wrong thing, wrong file or some other mistake due to an error

can they resubmit something that I have already graded? what happens to the prior submission? does the grade book know to replace old submission info with the new submission including the grade?

Best Answer

  • Ricardo.S.110
    Ricardo.S.110 Posts: 165
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Dennis.B.842

    That will depend on how you've set up your Assignment. Particularly its Submission & Completion settings:

    If you want your student to be able to submit more than once, you must choose either "all submissions are kept" or "only the most recent submission is kept".

    In either case, you will have to update the student's score accordingly.

    I hope this is helpful.


  • Dennis.B.842
    Dennis.B.842 Posts: 4 🌱

    thanks for the quick response. Just to clarify, If a student submits assignment 1, I grade it and tell them they need to correct it and resubmit it. They will have initally access to assignment 1. they can make the changes to assignment one and resubmit it as assignment 2. Assignment 2 will be the most current assignment in there. If they still have it wrong and I tell them to resubmit it again, this new assignment will now be the current assignment and numbers 1 and 2 will be long gone.

    Thats the way I wound want it to work. One of my classes is an IT intro class focusing on Microsoft Office products and I sometimes get some pretty interesting submissions!

  • Yes, for that to happen you will have to check off "Only the most recent submission is kept".