Can an admin see previous versions of an instructors feedback?

I'm trying to help the dean with a student issue, the student claims he received earlier feedback for several assignments, that he was on track and had earned full credit. Then, according to the student, the grade was changed on the morning of January 18th by the professor.
Is there a way to check and see if feedback was posted earlier and then changed?
I checked the activity logs and am only able to see the final feedback posted on the 18th.
Thank you!
Hi Beth,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your questions.
Assuming that the assignment is associated with a grade item, you can see an event log of changes made. Go to the Grade book, beside the user's name, click the drop-down menu and select "View Event Log."
Please see these helpful articles on the same:
Access the event log for a user
Access the event log for an individual grade itemI hope this helps!