Can I set up negative points for attendance?
Hello, I am wanting to set up a way to create negative points for attendance. Students will not earn any points for attending class, but they will lose points for being absent. The points lost will come from the final grade total. Could I get a walk-through on how to set this up?
Bulk Add Copied Assignments to Gradebook?
I've copied a course over from a previous semester's version. The date shift feature was a huge help. Now, though, it seems that I have to manually, one-by-one, click to edit each individual assignment, and click to add it to the gradebook. There should be a bulk edit option to add all to gradebook at once. Otherwise, this…
Use highest grade of multiple attempts on quiz
Is a way that we can automate D2L to notify faculty that there gradebook does not equal 100%?
I know that there is a notification at the top of the gradebook but I wonder if there could be an email or another kind of notification process that could occur at specified times during the term. Just curious.
It would be great to have a user friendly slider in the gradebook to easily slide grades up and down. Here is an example of a mortgage calculator. Mortgage Calculator - Canadian Mortgage App It has the kind of slider I am suggesting for shifting the weights of assignments. That would be a neat way to have the assignments…
Display Class Average to Users & Display Grade Distribution to Users Privacy Issues
Hi. I have an instructor who is concerned about privacy in a small class if she uses the Display Class Average to Users or the Display Grade Distribution to Users options in a Grade Item. She is afraid other students may figure out student grades. Is there any setting that requires a minimum number of users in order for…
Error message when inputting grades
I have a faculty member who is putting in grades and they are getting an error message that instructs them to: Enter a non-zero denominator. They have been putting in grades for weeks now and up until today, putting in grades in the gradebook was not an issue. Then they opened the class today and this error came up having…
How to make Final Adjusted Grades visible to students
I tried via the Grade Setup Wizard, checking the Automatically Release etc, but students still cannot see the Final Adjusted Grades. From Manage Grades, attempting to make Final and Final Adjusted grades to students I get the error: "Final grades cannot be hidden or made visible" This is very frustrating and time wasted…
is there a way to re-weight items in Grades for a student who missed an exam
Is there a way to re-weight items in Grades for students who missed an exam? For example, a student missed a midterm, so now the final has more weight.
How do I include a category into the final grade calculation?
At present, the final grade in my course is not including the homework. I am trying to adjust the final grade calculation so that the homework category is included, but I do not see where or how to do that. I also need to take the raw homework grade (x out of 345 points) and convert it to a 100-point scale before inclusion…
Creating calculated grades
How can I use calculated grades in other calculated grades? The new calculated grades I created do not appear as an option to include in other calculated grades. I read somewhere that I have to make the new calculated grade a "milestone grade" first, but I don't see any option to do that when setting up a calculated grade.…
Brightspace dropping incorrect grade
For just one student in my class, the "drop lowest grade" option is not dropping the lowest grade (it is dropping a 75 when there is also a 0), I have many students where it is working fine, so I'm not seeing where it is my error. I have another student whose grades are very similar (2nd lowest grade is on same assignment…
An assignment activity was completed but not reflecting in grade?
setting up gradebook
I set up a categorie QUIZZES which includes 11 items (Quiz 1-Quiz 11). 3 questions about that step: I would like only 10 out of the 11 quizes to count toward the final grade (I would like the quiz with the lowest score to be automatically dropped. How do I set it up. I put my gradebook as points. every quiz is worth 10…
Question relating to Grades
Hello, please can some remind me how you change the type of grade from 'numerical' to 'selectbox'.
Re changing gradebook weights after some have been graded
Can I change the maximum points of a gradebook item after submissions have been graded? Currently for one assignment, the maximum points is set to 100, but I actually need it to be 15(%). How can I do this? Thank you!
Uploading grades in D2L
I use a third party app. I download .csv that has two columns, student emails and a number value. Student emails match those in D2L. How can I upload these scores into D2L?
How to get students to see course average?
I have 2 course one of them the students cannot see their course average but in the other they cannot. The Grade setup wizard is identical in both courses.
duplicate / shadow assignments appeared
I somehow have created duplicate assignments within my gradebook that are named "File"(1) or "File"(2). Some of these show up for the students with no grades, others show up with grades twice. I know I have to delete one of the assignments, but which one? I don't want to lose the student grades, or have to enter them all a…
Question about Grading Display
I’ve noticed that some of the cells in my grading sheet appear uncolored, even though the students submitted their work on time, in the same way, and at the same time as others whose items are correctly colored. Does anyone know why this might be happening or how to fix it? In the image, you can see that while there are…