POST Create Grade Item

I was in the wrong area when I posted this question the first time. Hopefully this time its being posted to the Development group. I have tried many combinations for sending data to create a gradebook item but I get the same error message. I have checked and rechecked the documentation and it appears to be correct. Anyone have a working json block for POST create grade item. I have all the correct permissions, the correct scope, my headers show content-type application/json, sending as raw json in body and with and without the // helper text. I'm using Postman.
POST /d2l/api/le/1.67/2978161/grades/
"MaxPoints": 10,
"IsBonus": false,
"ExcludeFromFinalGradeCalculation": true,
"GradeSchemeId": 6119,
"Name": "MidTerm Grade 1",
"ShortName": "MidTerm Grade 1",
"GradeObjectType": 3, // This is the correct field for SelectBox
"CategoryId": 0,
"Description": {
"Text": "This is a participation grade item.",
"Html": "<p>This is a participation grade item.</p>"
"IsHidden": true
Error message - { "type": "", "title": "JSON Binding Error", "status": 400, "detail": "Provided JSON is invalid or does not match the expected format."}
I have tried many combinations for sending data to create a gradebook item but I get the same error message. I have checked and rechecked the documentation and it appears to be correct. Anyone have a working json block for POST create grade item. I have all the correct permissions, the correct scope, my headers show content-type application/json, sending as raw json in body and with and without the // helper text. I'm using Postman.
POST /d2l/api/le/1.67/2978161/grades/
"MaxPoints": 10,
"IsBonus": false,
"ExcludeFromFinalGradeCalculation": true,
"GradeSchemeId": 6119,
"Name": "MidTerm Grade 1",
"ShortName": "MidTerm Grade 1",
"GradeObjectType": 3, // This is the correct field for SelectBox
"CategoryId": 0,
"Description": {
"Text": "This is a participation grade item.",
"Html": "<p>This is a participation grade item.</p>"
"IsHidden": true
Error message - { "type": "", "title": "JSON Binding Error", "status": 400, "detail": "Provided JSON is invalid or does not match the expected format."} -
For anyone looking at this in the future, this is the format that worked.