Assignment Type
I created an assignment with text submission type, but can't change to "submit file" without affecting students who have already submitted and been graded. This is very problematic for me in a continuous online course. I'm scared to delete the assignment, but can't change "assignment type" to what it should have been. My…
Is it possible for Instructors to import feedback comments to the Grades Tool
Hi There, I'm wondering if there is any way for instructors to import feedback comments via the Import function within the Grades Tool? Currently the csv file only contains columns for whatever Grade items have been selected for export. Is it possible to add a feedback column for import when populated? A similar query was…
Instant Notifications - Grade Item updates when associated with assessment
In D2L I have noticed that an Updated Grade instant notification is triggered when a grade item is associated with an assignment or discussion, even if the score itself has not changed. In my test, I had a Quiz, a Discussion, and an Assignment all linked to the grade book with a test student having received a score for all…
Count only best score of 3 quizzes
I would like students to have the option to take 1, 2, or 3 different quizzes on a particular topic where only the top score is counted in the grade book. If I drop the lowest 2 in a category, that doesn't work because then they have to take all 3 to get any score at all. I'd like only the highest score of the 3 different…
What does importing a CSV file with grades into D2L look like?
We are moving to D2L from Moodle midway through our school year (we are a 12 month program). I am playing with importing a CSV of grades from the course in Moodle into the same course in D2L. I continually get the error below. I have NO idea what that error might even be. Haha. Has this type of import been done…
Link multiple grades to 1 assignment
We are developing assignments for integrated testing. This means that different educators look at the same product from different perspectives (e.g. a pedagogue and a didactician) (often at different parts of it, but the cohesion is important) and also each assess the product on the basis of their own/other criteria and…
Release conditions and formula grades
Hi everyone, wondering if you can help... I'm setting up a course which has multiple formula grades. Is it possible to use the formula grade as a release condition? I can't seem to use the condition 'Grade Value on a Grade Item' as it doesn't show me the option of the formula grade. In the past I have used a formula in…
Hello how to access more information about grading in an expanded view like on a spread
Hello how to access more information about grading in an expanded view like on a spreadsheet? Thank you
Milestone Grade Items - Allows Learners to see Hidden Grade Items
Hi there, we have discovered that when instructors set up "milestone grade items" and include previously "hidden" grade items it actually shows the learners all the scores on the hidden items (when they click on the calculator icon). Not sure if this has been reported before as it seems to be an usability issue?
Two different class averages in quiz statistics
I have a quiz that is showing two different figures for the class average. If I am in Manage Quizzes and select the Statistics tab, a "quiz average" is displayed (in this case, 43.67%). However, when I go to the Statistics area for that same assessment, a different "class average" is shown (51.31%). What's the difference…
Does the Reset Evaluation option work?
I've been trying to use the ‘Reset Evaluation’ option on quiz attempts because I've deleted questions. I did not like the questions and a majority of students answered them incorrectly. My quiz went from 52 questions to 47, and that is being reflected in the quiz attempt. I can see that I removed the questions because of…
Is it possible for students to choose 1 written response question out of 3 choices?
I’d like to create an essay test in BrightSpace where students can pick which essay question they want to answer. How do I do that?
weighted grade item not working as expected
We have a faculty member that set up a weighted gradebook. She has a category called assignments and it has a weight of 20% of the total grade. in this category she has an assignment that has 4 points and is weighted to be 2.339181287% of the assignment category. Everything appears to be correct from both the gradebook and…
How to remove the feedback option from Final Calculated/Adjusted Grades area
Hi, I've done some searching but cannot find any documentation on this. How does one REMOVE the option of providing feedback in the final calculated/final adjusted grades area? Thanks :)
Assessing with Rubric not saving in Gradebook
I have a professor who has developed a rubric to assess students abilities on physical skills for their nursing program. The skills are observed in person and then documented in Brightspace to assign a grade. The items in the grade book do not actually have an assignment linked to them as they are performed in person. The…
Are there any plans to fix the grade distribution plots?
For weeks now, the plots of grade distributions on the "statistics" pages in Brightspace have been broken. Are there any plans to fix them? Here is an example: They look like this both for items in Grades and for Quizzes.
New submissions icon is on, but can't find the new submissions
Hello, I have a professor who has the new submissions icon popping up saying there's 2 new ones for her to check. On her dropbox page, there are no tallies in the New Submissions column and there aren't any indicators in Grades either. She has opened all her dropboxes to see if there's anything listed in there and she says…
Can a select box grade item be included in a Calculated grade item? Will students see their average
Connecting an assignment with no value to the gradebook
I'm trying to figure out a way to have an assignment appear in the gradebook so that I can mark it "done", but there are no points associated with it. Is that possible?
I think quiz results (what the correct answers were etc) should be available through grades
Learners can view assignment results (i.e. rubric details) from either Assignments or grades. But they can ONLY view quiz results (correct answers) through Quizzes NOT grades. I think they should be able to view those results also through grades.