Is there a way to expose the grading scheme for a particular question?

Maureen.B.923 Posts: 139 Analytics Builder Transition

Most of our quiz questions have an all or nothing point system. One user was recently confused - it was a matching question with 8 combinations. The question had Right Minus Wrong grading, and the user got 4 answers right, and 4 wrong, for a score of 0. They thought they got all the answers wrong, hence their answer of 0.

  1. Is there a way to expose the grading for each question? Maybe this is a PIE request?
  2. Maybe it's the norm that all questions have similar point calculations?


Best Answer

  • Chris.S.534
    Chris.S.534 Posts: 379
    Answer ✓

    Hi Maureen,

    One option to consider is to add the question grading scheme details into the additional information for the Quiz or in the quiz question short description. Another is to allow multiple quiz attempts with the retake option selected to 'Retake Incorrect Questions: Only On new attempts, only allow answers for previously incorrect questions'
    That may get you a step closer to your ideal quiz/question set-up.

    The idea to have an option to display the question grading scheme is a good one, please consider submitting the idea into the Product Idea Exchange for review and consideration.

    Thanks, Chris
