d2l.Tools.Grades.ExportHandlerPage - Does D2L provide a default page?

The d2l.Tools.Grades.ExportHandlerPage config variable enables the 'Export to SIS' button on the gradebook. Does D2L provide a default page for the export handler OR is this always a custom developed page by each client. The description of the config variable states "The value can be to an internal page such as /d2l/lms/grades/admin/enter/exportSIS.d2l?ou=6606&otherparam=othervalue" - is this just an example value or is this a provided page?
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your question.
The value mentioned in the config variable(cvb)>d2l.Tools.Grades.ExportHandlerPage is an example value.
When configuring the cvb the value will be provided by your SIS provider either Banner or IPSIS.
More information on Banner Grades is found in the below articles,
@Nikhil.P.90 - getting back to this one, I've experimented further and setup the value in the CVP for the ExportHandlerPage as "/d2l/im/gradesexport/export_grades.d2l?ou={orgUnitId}". This seems to work and display what is presumably a D2L developed page (see screenshot). What is this page supposed to look like assuming I set the SISUsername and SISPassword settings? I've tried putting some dummy values in username and password however this then throws a 500 error
Hello @Mark.T.794,
You need to set the Authorization Username and Authorization Password to the same values entered in the d2l.Tools.Grades.ExportToSIS.SISUsername and d2l.Tools.Grades.ExportToSIS.SISPassword configuration variables.
When testing your Banner Grades configuration, keep the following prerequisites in mind:
- The user who is currently logged into Brightspace is the user who submits the grades. Users cannot submit grades for other users.
- If the currently logged in user was not created using the Banner Integration and does not have an associated entry in the entity_identifiers table, an error appears saying the "Instructor does not exist on the SIS". The user must first have been sent through the Banner Integration to create a unique entry in the entity_identifiers table before they are able to submit grades.
- The course offering section must already exist for the grades to be submitted successfully.
If you still experience this issue then may I suggest you open a support ticket to further look into this issue?
Thank you,