Can the wards tool be set up so that other courses within Brightspace can access proof of an...

Can the wards tool be set up so that other courses within Brightspace can access proof of an award being completed? For example, we have an Orientation to Online Learning course and often times instructors of other courses ask the students to upload proof
I want the instructors to be able to look up if the student completed the award without them having to ask the student for proof? How can this be accomplished? Portfolio? I know you can make awards available to other courses but that is the award, I want the instructor to be able to see if a student has completed a course by the certificate they achieved in that course without the student having to download the cert for the instructor?
Hello @Carlos Carrillo Instructors can go to course admin>awards>click on "Classlist Awards" that can show list of users with Awards added in front of their names.
In case of users who have not received any award they can see display "
This user has no awards" .
To verify which Awards users have received Instructors can click on Awards to get its Information ( in case 1 or 2 awards have same Icons).
Thank you for your response. When I follow your instructions it does not appear for my students. I do know they have completed a course that I am giving them extra credit for because they submitted the certificate for proof, but I do not see it under awards and classlist. Is there a setting that is being missed on the certificate set up for the course in question?
@Carlos Carrillo the certificate we are discussing is created in Brightspace Tool Awards right, In that case there should be tabs when we go to awards and one of them is "Classlist Awards" and "Course Awards" tab should show that certificate.
That is correct. But it does not show it. I thought the same but maybe I am wrong or something is missing within our system. I am open to a call if you like? My email is
So to be clear this is not an award earned in the class they are in, this is an award for completion for Orientation to Online Learning, a class that we have built-in our system to give students a feel for how online learning works and they know how to properly navigate within our system.
Hi Carlos,
You're right in that awards from one course do not show up in the Classlist Awards for another course.
One option is to have students share those awards to their Profile. Instructors can then check the student's profile to see which awards they have earned across all of their courses. This option is managed via the config d2l.Tools.Awards.D2LProfileIntegrationEnabled
I hope that helps!
Yes, it does, thank you so very much. I will look into it.