Awards tool and FERPA?

I was curious if other Universities that are implementing the Awards tool in you courses have established policies around use, so that FERPA was not violated?



  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 575 admin

    Hi @Karl.C.186
    I know you're interested in hearing from other folks at Universities in the United States, and my comments are coming from a different context- but I hope they may still be handy.

    One of the advantages of the awards tool in Brightspace is that it can be a handy feature for viewing student progress at a glance (as the Instructor for a course).

    However, the gamification element can also serve a useful time-keeping purpose for the student who understands these awards as milestones in their course progress.

    If this second gamification element is of particular benefit to your use case, you might

    1) use the Badge Builder embedded in the award tool to design awards for your course
    2) download to badge images
    3) upload these images (supported by alt-text) to a tool like announcements- paired with release conditions e.x X attempts on Quiz 4

    This strategy would allow you to benefit from some of the efficiencies and automation of in-platform gamification and personalization tools- but those achievements would only be visible to the student unlocking them (The instructor wouldn't be able to see who had earned which badges at a glance as they would from inside the awards tool)

    I hope this offers a few ideas- and hopefully helps to keep the conversation going!
    I'm glad you're here in the Brightspace Community, and grateful to you for posting this question