Where can I find an award's Revoked Reason and RevokedByID fields?

Maureen.B.923 Posts: 135 Analytics Builder Transition
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

We have some awards that were revoked, but no one can remember who revoked them, or why. I'm trying to find the information in a dataset, but no luck so far.



  • David.M.27
    David.M.27 Posts: 8
    edited November 2022

    I'm not an expert on the related data sets, but the Awards Issued Advanced data set appears to show the RevokedID and Reason.

  • David.M.27
    David.M.27 Posts: 8
    edited November 2022

    I did a bit more digging and it appears that, while you can log the RevokedID for the removal of an award (which you undoubtedly found in the Awards Issued data set), we don't log the reason or the id tied to the person who revoked the award.

  • Maureen.B.923
    Maureen.B.923 Posts: 135 Analytics Builder Transition
    edited November 2022

    Thanks for confirming I'm not utterly inept at digging through my data!