24 Hour Clock in D2L
How do I change my settings so that my assignment due dates are shown in the standard 24 hour format? I've been using the 24 hour clock for 18 years, and honestly, it's really hard to use AM/PM now. For me it's an accessibility thing, just like needing to use the Dvorak keyboard.
Can I see data about who is grading assignments in my course?
Hello, I work in a Career Center and we use a non-credit Brightspace course as a way for students to submit resumes, cover letters, etc for review from our staff. These are submitted as Assignments. It would be great if I could see data about who is grading which submissions, how many, when is a heavy traffic time, etc. Is…
How to create a timed assignment -- let students choose a 3-hour window any time of the day
My students' midterm is upcoming. They will download a pdf sheet with the questions, answer those questions in a word file or on paper then photograph and compile into a pdf, and then upload their answers. Since this is a remote class and I have students in many different timezones, they should be able to start their…
How do I transfer Google Classroom assignments and announcements to Brightspace?
Want to have access to all my Google Classroom tools with the Brightspace platform - how can I do that ?
D2L Course Page freezing
Has anyone else had any trouble with the D2L course page freezing in Chrome browser? This has happened to me three times now, and each time it has been in a different page of my course. So far it has happened in Content, the course homepage, and in Assignments. The navbar and the scroll bar both disappear and I am unable…
where do I find the dropbox in brightspace
how can I find dropbox in brightspace
Observed in Person assignment
Hello, We have an Observed in Person assignment, in which the student marks the "complete" button. There is a grade item associated with this assignment. When the student clicks "Complete" will that populate the grade item, or does the faculty still have to publish an evaluation?
Voice Recorded Feedback
Hello Everyone, I have just begun using the voice recording option for giving students feedback. For some reason, some of my students do not seem to see the recorded feedback link to access it, and I don't know the student site well enough to help them navigate. Does any one have any insight on what the problem might be…
stats tracking
Hi, I have several reading and film assignments in my courses. How do I track whether students have reviewed assignments that don't require a file submission?
How to submit an assignment?
Hello, My professor sent me this link to submit my assignments and I can't find a drop box to do that here. My class is called Research Methods and Techniques (EDU600). Help, please!
BS locking up while trying to save
Over the past few weeks, BS has been locking up and going to a greyed-out screen when I am trying to save feedback. It has happened with different browsers, different courses, different assignments, and different networks.
HEIC file preview not supported
Hello, can you please clarify (or work on incorporating) HEIC image preview for assignment submissions? This has been a standard format for Apple devices since 2017. https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/file-types/image/raster/heic-file.html
Is there a way to incorporate an automatic late penalty for assignments or discussion posts?
I have a late policy in my syllabus that states a student will lose x% per day late. I was wondering if there was a way to automatically do this in assignments or discussion rubrics? Thanks!
Can an intelligent agent be used to tally overall lateness of assignments for a class? or workaround
Assignment display changes that are not included in April release notes
Why was the date when the assignment feedback was last saved changed to a tooltip in the last update? I can find nothing about it in the release notes. We use that date for many reasons, like instructors knowing where they left off Grading/ reviewing assignments, especially during exam time, which is right now. We use…
Is there a way to remove "new submission notifications" for ungraded assignments in bulk?
I have assignments in my D2L course that are completion-based extra credit, and I want to remove the new submission notifications for them all but can't find a way to do that in bulk. I can't find a way to get the notifications to disappear unless I comment on each submission one by one, which makes no sense for me to do…
Time Restricting Assignments
Thank you for any help you can provide. I am brand new to Brightspace. We are looking for a way to deliver "cases" (in PDF format) to your graduate students this summer, and to have our students attempt and submit responses (in Word format) within a set period of time - for example 90 minutes. I've found that I can create…
releasing the course
Is there a way to not release the course until the activation assignment is completed?
Extra Users in Dropbox
One of our instructors has extra users in her dropbox - and none of these extra users are part of the class list. I tried to click on Cory's name and delete but nothing happens. How can I remove them?
assignment feedback
Is there any way to recover a student comment in reply to an assignment feedback comment if the student has since deleted it?