recalculate quiz after correct answers
I had conducted a quiz and the students have attempted it. I amend some answers after the quiz. Can it be auto-correct and recalculate?
how to handle late penalty
how to deduct a late penalty on a quiz
How can I set up a quiz that will give automatic points when it is re-taken?
Students will take the quiz individually, and then as a group. When the group takes the test, if they score a certain score (ex: 93 + = 2 extra points) they will have points added to the original test. Example: Student 1 takes the test and scores a 77%. Then is put into a group that takes the same test with 1 person…
Exporting and importing entire courses with LOs in the quiz
Hi, There's a course in our test environment of D2L which has a quiz with Learning Outcomes attached to each question. I want to duplicate this in our product environment. I've tried to export the course, but I'm only able to get the quiz questions, not the LOs. Is there any way to bring over the LOs with the Quiz…
error when uploading exported quiz questions
Hello My college switched to Brightspace and I'm trying to important quiz questions into my course. Several are giving me an error message, I've attached a screenshot. How can this be fixed so I can import my quiz questions? Thank you Wendy Rappazzo
Allowing students to see test answers for a limited time
I give the same test to all students so I do not want them seeing their results until all students have taken the test. I know how to set up a different view to allow them to see their results. However, I only want them to be able to access their test results for a certain amount of time once they reopen it. How do I set…
Seeing stats before publishing grades
Is there a way to see the stats for an exam that I had my class take online before I publish the grades? I want to be able to see them so I can see if I need to throw out a question.
Students who do not attempt a quiz -- can't publish feedback? can they see their score of zero?
I use many small quizzes in my class. Students often fail to attempt a quiz -- they simply do not do them. I don't understand what a student sees after a quiz expires if they failed to attempt it. How do I assign them a Zero? Can brightspace do this automatically? Is there a way to publish feedback for them that they can…
I've deleted a Q from my question library but the Q still appears in Quizzes. Any way to update?
I have a question library with a set of questions - let's name this set as 'Topic 1 Quiz Questions'. 'Topic 1 Quiz Questions' has 10 questions. I've created multiple quizzes and selected all 10 questions from 'Topic 1 Quiz Questions' to be used in the question pool. A few months later, I had to delete one question from…
Sorting Exam Bank Questions
Is there a way to sort the exam bank questions by name? i.e. I curently have questions labeled 01_01, 01_02 (Exam 1 Question 1, Exam1 Question 2 etc). The only method i see is by individually selecting questions and moving up/down. Can i sort by name?
How can I adjust depreciation building straight line with no residual value?
Depreciation building is also straight line, 50 year life, and no residual value. how can I do this in the worksheet. Thank you
Is there a way to access deleted questions from a quiz in BrightSpace?
Inadvertently, some questions were deleted form a quiz. I do not necessarily need the questions restored, as no more students will complete the quiz in this course. I am concerned with regaining access to the responses to those questions so that we have a record of them. Is this data housed in Brightspace somewhere, even…
where do I download the Lockdown Browser for Bow Valley?
Can anyone tell me where to find and download the lockdown browser for Bow Valley?
Lock down browser - while reviewing test results
Is there a way to use Lock Down Browser while the students are allowed to vue their test results?
Quiz Feedback on Individual Questions
An instructor for one of our Stats courses has several quizzes with the entire solution to the question entered in the Feedback area for each question in each quiz. Students are allowed two attempts, with the highest attempt counted. After the first and second attempts, she wants students to see the questions they got…
Improve quiz UX - left align "Question" labels
If we are not going to be able to remove or rename the "Question" labels, would it be possible to change the stylesheet for quizzes so that these labels left-align exactly with the question text? BEFORE - This is what it currently looks like: AFTER - This is what it could look like: AFTER - Or how about allowing users to…
Quiz vs Exam
What is the difference between a quiz and exam?
When can we expect to see improvements to the FIB question type?
I would like to hear from the Developer community regarding any planned work to address longstanding workflow problems with the FIB quiz question type. I am especially interested in understanding why a solution that appears to have been solved in the Creator + (with Lessons or Practice anyway) has not found its way into…
Choice of Questions in Quizzes?
Hi there. Is there a way for students to select questions (say 3 from 5 questions) and have the grade total value (total marks) of the test reflect only the 3 questions selected? Thanks for any help on this.