D2L API for News > SortOrder Attribute > Issue?
Hello, Any D2L experts or internal folks here who can explain to me how the SortOrder attribute is supposed to work for the GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/news/ that returns ? In my initial testing, I see multiple News Items being returned with the exact same value here even after pinning. Multiple items with…
Brightspace username cannot have a ' in - has anyone got around this when creating accounts via API?
Hello, We create all our birghtspace users using via API the "Create User" endpoint. Our rule for setting the username is to use the individuals email address as their username However we have a number of users that have email adresses such s.o'neill@school,com ho'leary@school.com So these always get rejected via the…
Hii I am facing issue while accessing Rubrics through given API end point.
API Versions: unstable – Route first appears in LE v10.5.2. Api Version is specified as above , what should be the api version for this and I am not able access data or find data from this API. can someone help me with this. I am trying to fetch this data through postman and I have Super Admin Profile in D2L.
Using data from BS on external resources like JotForm via replace strings.
Previously I've modified links in NavBar with "?email={UserName}" to make BS provide that type data to the respective field within JotForm form and it worked in external window. Recently I've been asked to put such links within pages with various course content and noticed that in that case it seems to work only in…
Brightspace Awards API
I would like to access the award's API as part of the content in a lesson using '/d2l/api/bas/(version)/issued/users/(userId)/orgUnitId=(OrgUnitId)'. When I test this with my DeLC and teacher credentials, I receive a successful response listing the correct awards. However, when I try it as a student, I get a 403 message…
Hello Joshua. How might I get HTML and JavaScript Code to create folders?
Hello Joshua. How might I get HTML and JavaScript Code to create folders? I have rearranged the content for my students, but it just looks and feels like a long scroll despite my attempts to compartmentalize. Is there a way to create folder within the modules and sub-modules so that things look nice and neat? Thank you, so…
oAuth - how to get user's ExternalEmail
A customer of ours has asked us to build an oAuth Login option into our product from their Brightspace platform. We have the oAuth wired up, and I can use the oAuth code to call /users/whoami but this only gives me the user's Brightspace id (Identifier) - I need to get the user's ExternalEmail which I don't appear to be…
API call for unenroll
What is best API route to 'Unenroll' user from course?
Comptency and Outcome
I have question regarding competencies and rubric how to call what is objectid in rubrics api.
Brightspace Pulse API
Hello, Im looking for documentation about the APIs in Pulse (The mobile App used for get notifications), is there any link or information you could send to me? Im trying to make a bot to shcedule extracurricular activities in the Pulse App using a chatbot in WhatsApp.
Error in fetch https://nyuwh.brightspace.com:443/d2l/api/lp/1.5/28986/sections/settings/
the API is issue error without any explanation. what error could it be. running other API is successful
How to GET instructors for a course offering
Hello, We are building an integration between Workday Student and Brightspace. We plan on using the D2L Standard CSV method in IPSIS, but are running into a problem. We can build a delta report that will tell us which course offerings have changes, and will return all of the current instructors. But so far, it seems like…
API for comments and marks
Hi I have created a Rubric for commenting on learners at a subject and at a learner level. I want to extract all such comments for each subjects and learners learning that subject/course Is there way to achieve Thanks
Regarding course completion
How I can get the course completion status(completed,in-progress, not started) for user vai rest apis of D2l ? similarly for items of course and modules
How to extract learner usage for one student in one course?
How can an outside system extract learner usage for one student in one course? If it is through an API, which API
Error Getting API OAuth2 Token
Hello, I am suddenly not able to generate an OAuth2 Token using Postman for the D2L Brightspace Datahub API. The login popup is constantly redirecting to an Unsupported Browser page with the message: "Sorry, but Apple Safari version 0 is no longer supported. Older browsers are slower, less secure, and don't support our…
How to download or have the path of the files uploaded in an task?
Hello team! I hope you're having a good day. Do you know if its posible to have de path of the files that were uploaded in a task using APIs? I want to visualize the documents that the students enrolled in a course uploaded in an specific task/questionnaire. which endpoint do I have to use with GET to have the path? Thank…