Updating grades with Postman
Hello team! Actually Im trying to update some grades using APIs in this endpoint: https://udlatest.brightspace.com/d2l/api/le/1.25/{my_orgUnitID}/grades/{grade_item_id}/values/{student/user_id} When I make a Get request, i have this output: { "PointsNumerator": 9.000000000, "PointsDenominator": 10.000000000,…
Corelate file on dropbox with quiz answer
Hello, I need to get from API the exact file that was upload as answer to a question. I alredy use the API, and I was able to find the files on dropbox but I couldnt find a way to know which file was upload as answer to an specific question. I had a quizz with two quetions where the user send two files one for each, and…
scope error
when updating user via rest api PUT /d2l/api/lp/(version)/users/(userId) my app registration has the following scops: core:*:* enrollment:*:* groups:*:* organizations:*:* orgunits:*:* role:detail:* users:userdata:* still get the error : "No scopes defined for specified requests."
Is there an established API integration with survey monkey?
I am currently seeking a solution for an established API integration with survey monkey. Thank you.
Questions Regarding Quiz Questions and API Capabilities in Brightspace
I am currently working on my paper, where I am investigating how to utilize Brightspace for generating quiz questions from an external application. In this context, I have the following questions: - Is there an API route available specifically for generating quiz questions? I have only found a route to create a quiz…
Grading Forum Discussions with Associated Rubrics via API for a POC in Brightspace
Hello Developer Community, I’m currently working on a proof of concept (POC) where I need to evaluate forum discussions using the Desire2Learn (D2L) API in Brightspace. Specifically, I want to ensure that the associated rubric criteria are applied when grading discussions. What I’ve done so far: I’m retrieving discussion…
Export All Students' Attempts for a Quiz's Selected Question
If we export a quiz' student attempts & grades into an Excel file, for a WR question, all the lines will be consolidated into one line, and it is difficult to read. Can D2L export all students' attempts for a specific quiz question into a Word or PDF file so that the formatting of the answers is preserved? If not directly,…
Subject: Assistance Required for Office 365 SSO Integration in Brightspace
Dear Brightspace Support, I am currently trying to integrate Office 365 Single Sign-On (SSO) with D2L Brightspace but cannot find the authentication tools or relevant settings to complete the integration from the Brightspace side. I have already configured the application on the Office 365 portal (Azure AD) and have the…
API Resumable uploads saving step returns HTTP:500
Hi, I've gone through the documentation and a couple discussion here, but I have not been able to complete the final file saving step. Acquiring the upload key: Gives me a location - which contains the key then using that we post the file: And finally we save it to the folder - this breaks :( Thank you, Corné
Ability to pull User Progress via API
How can I pull user Progress via the API? When I try yo use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/userprogress/, I get a 404 back. Regarding , 'Finally, note that the back-end service may not have all the Brightspace functionality enabled to provide access to all the APIs contained in this API reference…
Autenticação Oauth2
Boa tarde, prezados. Precisei excluir os dados da Api que estou criando no "gerenciamento de extensibilidade" e agora , ao criar um novo, não estou conseguindo gerar um access token e nem refresh token para seguir com a elaboração de uma api para comunicar com PowerBi. Sabem como consigo excluir o access token antigo, para…
403 when attempting to access le API endpoints
I'm working on an integration with Brightspace to sync course data and eventually completions / grades out to a third party system. Anything I query on the lp api such as roles or course offerings works fine (version 1.43) However I consistently get 403 Forbidden errors when trying to access data on the le api I've ruled…
API Authentication in postman
Greetings. Trying to run through the documentation about authenticating into the API and getting my access token. After setting up everything as documentation (and the training provided by "learn postman with Paul".... when I click get access token a browser window pops up with an error that "Sorry, but Apple Safari…
File upload using new Course Files APIs
Hi, I saw the release of the new Course Files APIs that allow users to upload files to a course offering and am excited to try them out! In particular, I am attempting to upload a file to a course, first with the /upload API followed by the /save API. I have successfully received the expected 308 response from /upload, but…
Problem with third-party integration - LTI Advantage and Oauth 2.0 authentication
Greetings! We have a third party tool trying to integrate the Brightspace API through Oauth 2.0. Our goal is for them to obtain an access token so they can use grading services (LTI 1.3). In this initial stage we are following the directions provided…
Unlocking the Power of SQL Triggers
I'm delving into SQL triggers, and I'm curious about their use and functionality. Could you provide an example of when you might use a trigger in a database, and how it can be beneficial? I'd appreciate a real-world scenario to better understand their practical application. Thanks!
D2L API for News > SortOrder Attribute > Issue?
Hello, Any D2L experts or internal folks here who can explain to me how the SortOrder attribute is supposed to work for the GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/news/ that returns ? In my initial testing, I see multiple News Items being returned with the exact same value here even after pinning. Multiple items with…
Brightspace username cannot have a ' in - has anyone got around this when creating accounts via API?
Hello, We create all our birghtspace users using via API the "Create User" endpoint. Our rule for setting the username is to use the individuals email address as their username However we have a number of users that have email adresses such s.o'neill@school,com ho'leary@school.com So these always get rejected via the…
Hii I am facing issue while accessing Rubrics through given API end point.
API Versions: unstable – Route first appears in LE v10.5.2. Api Version is specified as above , what should be the api version for this and I am not able access data or find data from this API. can someone help me with this. I am trying to fetch this data through postman and I have Super Admin Profile in D2L.