Has anyone used an API to manage Special Access?
We are looking for a way to bulk edit/update Special Access for Assignments so that admins do not have to manually add these to every individual assignment. We are looking for a way to automate special access for our students with reasonable adjustments using API. If you've experimented with this before we'd be super keen…
About GET & POST of dropbox feedback
I could successfully use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/(folderId)/feedback/(entityType)/(entityId) to retrieve the evaluation of a user's assignment, but for the updating of the evaluation, I've tried to use the post version of the same api but seems the RubricAssessmentsin the post body is not…
How to Dynamically Pull the UserID of the Logged-In User
I have created a widget that pulls data for the logged-in user such as course progress but the widget will display unique data depending on what student is logged in. I am trying to dynamically pull the user_id of the student logged in viewing the widget but I am getting stuck on what the current variable is for the User…
How to use APIs in Custom Widgets
I am attempting to use this endpoint: https://(our brightspace sandbox).brightspace.com/d2l/api/lp/1.9/enrollments/users/(test user ID that exists and has valid enrollments)/orgUnits Purpose - Create a Custom Widget that will allow students to see any Inactive Courses they are enrolled in by parsing JSON responses to pull…
Is it possible to set the active navbar through an API call?
We're moving towards a standard navbar for all courses after years of not enforcing one. We have maybe 40% of courses using a custom navbar and will be removing the permission to update navbars soon. I'd like to be able to make an API call to set the Active Navbar for all OUs this semester, but I haven't seen anything in…
How do I remove a user from a SECTION using the API
I am able to enroll a user into any given section using the API, however I am unable to remove that same user from any given section using the API. I've reviewed the various endpoints, and the closest I got to removing a user using the API from a section was to call the DELETE method on an endpoint like this:…
Scope for OAuth2.0 to Access Advanced Data Sets
I need to know what scope I should use in OAuth2.0 setup to allow API access to advanced data sets. I have set up a legacy scope of core:*: datahub:*: but it allows the API user access to Brightspace Data Sets only, no reports that are labeled as Advanced Data Sets will pull through. I have read the API Authentication…
APIs to get submissions for an assignment & evaluate
Are there APIs available for a instructor to get all the submissions for an assignment and evaluate the submissions?
How to place a personalized component in homepage without affecting the layout?
Greetings! I'm designing a personalized course in brightspace for my college which must be a 'Gamified route'. Currently I have thought of everything I want in the gamified route, however, I am having problems when building custom components, because when creating them with HTML, JavaScript and CSS and placing them in,…
Support for Client Credential Grant for API Access
I wanted to reach out to ask if there are any plans to support the client credential grant for obtaining an access token for the API. Currently, I understand that only the authorization grant flow is supported. In my situation, there is no user or browser involved, and I need server-to-server communication. Therefore, the…
Is there a way to update the semester from a course using the API?
I have only been able to target the semester using POST upon course creation but I'm not able to update a course semester using PUT
Brightspace Awards API - mass download all issued badges or certificates?
I'm trying to use Postman to write some Python to batch download all Awards issued organization-wide. I *think* that I'd need to make a GET call to https://{{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/bas/{{version}}/library/templates (no parameters) to get the full list of certificate templates that can be issued. I make that call but…
How to create a component that allows me to show an Introduction module in the homepage.
Greetings! I'm trying to create a course for my college which should simulate a gamified route following the next sections: Introduction module, activities module (which is a map that allows students to travel around the world (activities per continent) that must be solved to get experience from every continent) and…
How can I obtain the assignment ID when the external tool launches?
Hi, I've integrated an external tool into Brightspace using deep linking, and everything works it launches correctly. I've also sent back a deep linking response, which has been added as my external tool link to the assignment. However, after checking the payload I received from the tool launch, I noticed that there is no…
Is there API support for Attendance Registers?
I know there are some LTI tools which can be surfaced in the Attendance tool, but haven't found any API documentation for pushing/pulling attendance data to/from an external tool.
Using a script to surface draft assignment grades - Javascript question
Our institution have been using the following script Steve Bentley posted back in 2019 https://community.brightspace.com/s/article/Developer-Spotlight-Using-a-script-to-surface-draft-assignment-grades Recently I've been looking to modify the script but my Javascript knowledge is basically non existent so I'm not even sure…
LMS Admin Question > Course Sections
Hi All- Currently in the middle of a SIS change over and testing the API between the SIS and Brightspace. Noticed this morning on a test push, that the course sent over only had an offering and had no section. In our current LMS setup, we sent over the template, course offering and then a course section. I was not involved…
API account creation, lookup returns 403 Forbidden
I've been experimenting with the retrieval of BDS data sets via Postman using some of the Brightspace collections and have been successful at that. However, I've now started trying to provision users via API calls, and my calls always return a 403 Forbidden, even when trying to look up a user. My auth and refresh tokens,…