This client is not permitted to use the client_credentials grant
I created a new client id using the Oauth 2.0 section in Manage extensibility as administrator
However when I try to consume the service I receive an error:
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "This client is not permitted to use the client_credentials grant"
Do I have to do any extra config?
this is what my jwt looks like 3NDMtYmNlNi01ZjUyMjc0ZjM4ZTkiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2FwaS5icmlnaHRzcGFjZS5j b20vYXV0aC90b2tlbiIsImp0aSI6IjVkMmRlZDM5LTIxNmQtNDc0My1iY2U2LTVmNTIyNzRmM zhlOSIsImlhdCI6MTcxMzU2NDI5MSwic3ViIjoiOGYxNDMzYWEtNjgzMC00OTAzLWFhZmItMWRiZjE yYTIyMTRjIiwibmJmIjoxNzEzNTY0MjkxLCJleHAiOjE3MTM1Njc4OTF9.KkcORUkd8NSErrj_wSe1 HuBEIpet2vzqQYkLBTEIaMNBIoQuI4e87eQzynSlW8G4D2MApaiwx9SkUpocz8itQWcWZeETlXVDphF_8mzJx2C8GBjQHQ1V8u_MVrtckyuSNij2Vn5CHU4RCUT-fCMULI__okMUezcuPWLHf_uRG-GwcotQTDc7 QWrjMKzT3YBrCCEjUjrmFlJHmMaWiFYATweCmB7nJIKlSPecolchyfOvS5YiTRJ2E_tWJ3aCJ yX41EVEFvFspBbpVohjTzo_nRtlGiOrj9L8L24duv4yfFk2eaPv-9fT5NM7KmiaoGMhWw5nDjs 9FZu6DrVSQjfl0g
D2L does not support client_credentials grant type. You're probably looking for the three-legged authorization_token grant type. Can you provide more details on how you're attempting to access the service?
If you haven't already tried it, I found that starting off with Postman helped to clear a lot of my confusion on how the API functions, which I was able to translate better to code.
Hello Derik,Maybe I didn't explain myself well, but I need to obtain an authentication token to be able to consume APIs from an LTI tool I'm developing. I reviewed this documentation:
and I understand that I need to consume this endpoint:
However, when I try it, I get this error:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Error validating assertion: Unknown validation exception"
I am testing this using Postman.I am attaching again my JWT token that I put in the client_assertion field.
I share a postman screenshot too! :D -
Hello Derik,
Maybe I didn't explain myself well, but I need to obtain an authentication token to be able to consume APIs from an LTI tool I'm developing. I reviewed this documentation:
and I understand that I need to consume this endpoint:However, when I try it, I get this error:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Error validating assertion: Unknown validation exception"
I am testing this using Postman.I am attaching again my JWT token that I put in the client_assertion field.
If it doesn't support client_credentials as a grant type, could you indicate which parameters I should send to obtain a valid token?
However i share a screenshoot from postman too -
@Airel.J.35 I've never used LTI before, but I believe you're confusing extensibility options. Go to the LTI Advantage tab of "Manage Extensibility" and register a tool there.
I'm a bit late to the party, but the only path supported for making LTI API calls is the client_credentials grant type. This guide has a list of common questions
, and I would look for LTI specific documentation, rather than looking at Valence documentation, which is an entirely separate API ecosystem. Hopefully that helps!