About GET & POST of dropbox feedback

Dennis.D.1339 Posts: 5 🌱
edited December 2024 in Development

I could successfully use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/(folderId)/feedback/(entityType)/(entityId) to retrieve the evaluation of a user's assignment, but for the updating of the evaluation, I've tried to use the post version of the same api but seems the RubricAssessmentsin the post body is not correctly updated even if I got 200 response code, however the score is updated.

The post body I use is something like this:

{"IsGraded": false,"score":"2","RubricAssessments": [{"RubricId": 14,…}],"Feedback":{"Text":"you did good"}}


Best Answer

  • Rusha.S.831
    Rusha.S.831 Posts: 122
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Dennis.D.1339,

    Thank you for reaching out to us via Community!

    I’ve looked into the API call and discovered that for Rubric Assessments, you will need to include the following structure under "RubricAssessments", as outlined in the article here:

    {    "RubricId": <number:D2LID>,    "OverallScore": <number:decimal>|null,    "OverallFeedback": { <composite:RichText> },    "OverallLevel": { // Note that the OverallLevel property may be null        "LevelId": <number:D2LID>,        "Feedback": { <composite:RichText> }    },    "OverallScoreOverridden": <boolean>,    "OverallFeedbackOverridden": <boolean>,    "CriteriaOutcome": [ // Array of CriterionOutcome blocks        {            "CriterionId": <number:D2LID>,            "LevelId": <number:D2LID>|null,            "Score": <number:decimal>|null,            "ScoreIsOverridden": <boolean>,            "Feedback": { <composite:RichText> },            "FeedbackIsOverridden": <boolean>        },        { <composite:CriterionOutcome> }, ...    ]}

    This structure will ensure that your API request is properly formatted.

    I hope this helps!

