Quiz Printer Widget Limitations

Has anyone else installed the new Quiz Printer Widget?


We recently discovered two limitations that are not listed in the known issues. First, if you have more than 20 quizzes in the course, only the first 20 will appear in the widget. (This isn't too bad as instructors can re-order them to see the other quizzes, but it's still not ideal.) Second, if the quiz has more than 20 questions, only the first 20 questions will appear on the HTML page that is produced. If anyone has overcome these limitations, I would love to know how.

Best Answer

  • Johnny.B.962
    Johnny.B.962 Posts: 107
    Answer ✓

    @Kris.D.890, apologies, that was an oversight on my part on the initial release. I've already published a new version of the widget that will now display more than just 20 questions. Please download the zip file again for the Quiz Printer Widget and update the files where you implemented them in your site (particularly the script.js file and that should fix it).

    Hope that helps!



  • Kris.D.890
    Kris.D.890 Posts: 4 🌱

    Great, thanks. We just updated the widget, and yes, we can now see more than 20 questions! Thank you for this long-awaited tool. But because people always want more I thought I'd share this feedback we got from an instructor after demonstrating the widget:

    Can we request the printing  function for Library questions ( with instructor comments ) .There are alot of us that have instructor references and notes that explain question responses. Examview banks in the past allowed for the instructor reasoning to follow the questions, whereby this formatting does not...  

    We have advised the instructor to import the questions into a hidden quiz and print that but we also promised to pass along their feedback so I wanted to follow through. Thanks again for the widget it certainly fulfills a need.

  • @Kris.D.890, fantastic! Glad that worked out.

    Thank you for that feedback. Our development team is still dedicated to implement similar printing functionality as part of our Quizzes tool directly, and hopefully that will be soon. As of this widget that I created now, if there was an ability for me to reach the data for those questions, I certainly would create something for that. However, currently, in the way this widget was created, I can only get at questions that are within a quiz. There's no current method for getting at questions in the Question Library (if there was, then Question Pools for the widget would also probably work, but that's a current limitation). Definitely opportunity for improvement in the future though, and your suggestion is what I would've told that person as well.

    I'll pass along the feedback to our developers working on our Quizzing tool. Thank you again!
