Grades displaying "days late" messages for items from Assignments
When we have an "open date" and a "due date" set in Assignments, Grades is displaying a "days late" message for learners who have not submitted the assignment. This appears to be new this semester. When I contacted support I was told the only way to remove it was to turn off the due date, which we don't want to do. Has…
Can you find all references to a specific URL across an entire institution's instance?
Hello and thanks in advance for your help! We have an issue because there is a resource (a library guide) linked in many of our courses at the institution. The URL will be changing soon so all places where it's linked will of course be soon broken. Is there a way to track all the places this website is linked in…
Does D2L have an OER-type hub or open LOR that I either retrieve or upload files?
Does D2L have an OER-type hub or open LOR that I either retrieve or upload files that could benefit other instructors, IDs, or admins? For example, we've created a regular and substantive interaction (RSI) log within the HTML editor, and it could benefit other faculty, institutions, and programs that track RSI for…
How to follow documentation kb article pages on new communuty site?
For example, how do I follow this page or get alerts that it has been updated? Thanks, Charles
What's the ONE thing/tip I need to know to set up a course if I'm new to Brightspace?
There's a lot of administration to do to set up a course...let alone facilitate it. Assume it's a faculty/instructor who needs to do this (there's no assistant), they're new to the LMS and they can't waste any time. How can we help them get their course set up with the essentials...
Issue with Adding questions from the Question Library.
When trying to add questions to a quiz from the Question Library, certain questions have a message in green that says “Already imported” and these questions cannot be added to the quiz: Can you please explain? If you need an example, you can go to Winter 2013 - PSYC-215-001<https://mycourses2.mcgill.ca/d2l/home/58406> >…
Quizzes not showing in content
After importing quizzes from one course to another, the quizzes appear under the submissions button, but I cannot find where to ensure they appear in "content." Thank you
Teams Integration bugs
Hi, In our Brightspace Teams Integration widget, if the user ticks the box for "make a team for all sections" it will make two identical teams with identical enrollment even if there is only one section of the class. Then if the user deletes one of those teams, it deletes both of them. Then the user can't make a new Team,…
Merged Courses and Using Student View to See What Students Can See
When I go to "Student View" for my merged courses, it doesn't show anything that is in the "parent" course. Why is that?
How can I book one-on-one meetings with learners using the Zoom integration?
We have courses where learners need to have one-to-one Zoom meetings with coaches. Is this possible with the Zoom integration? Or are there any workarounds where an instructor can share a Zoom link with 1 student only within the Brightspace environment? We want to avoid having to email out the Zoom links to learners.…
Accessing Class Progress after the end of semester
The menu for individual student progress contains fewer options after the course has finished (just Summary, Course Access, and Login History). I want to view whether or not a student engaged/opened course content. How?