Does D2L have an OER-type hub or open LOR that I either retrieve or upload files?

Does D2L have an OER-type hub or open LOR that I either retrieve or upload files that could benefit other instructors, IDs, or admins?
For example, we've created a regular and substantive interaction (RSI) log within the HTML editor, and it could benefit other faculty, institutions, and programs that track RSI for accreditation/re-accreditation purposes.
If not, has there been any discussion of an OER-type area for Brightspace users to share their materials?
Best Answer
Thanks for the clarification. As for downloading files from the Community, we are moving away from offering downloadable files towards html. You may find thru some discussions or articles in the Community of clients posting links to their repositories or other areas where they share files.
You can create public LOR's within the Brightspace LOR where you can upload files and allow others outside your institution to access. If you are looking to other's LOR's to download files from, you'll need to search for public Brightspace LOR's, unless you know specific ones.
For example, I found this public LOR from one of our clients:
Midlands public Brightspace LOR
Hope this helps!
Hello @Aaron.Sunday6186 Yes! Brightspace has a LOR (Learning Object Repository) that you can use to store, share and create collections of objects within your Brightspace Learning Environment. Please see the documentation for the Learning Repository.
Hello Dan,
Thanks for your response, but maybe I did not word my question correctly or I'm not understanding a public LOR in Brightspace. I'm not looking for the LOR within my institution, I'm looking for a LOR or hub that I can download or retrieve files from members of other institutions or they can download files that I have uploaded.
Basically, if I log into the D2L Community, I'd like to download files that other instructors or instructional designers have uploaded and are available to import into my institution's instance of D2L.
I saw this statement in documentation for the Brightspace LOR, "Users can share the URL for publicly available learning objects on social networks. " Does that mean I can only access a public repository if they have shared the link on a social media platform? Where are these public LORs?