Can you find all references to a specific URL across an entire institution's instance?

Hello and thanks in advance for your help!
We have an issue because there is a resource (a library guide) linked in many of our courses at the institution. The URL will be changing soon so all places where it's linked will of course be soon broken.
Is there a way to track all the places this website is linked in Brightspace? If so-- is there possible a "find and replace" tool that will allow us to bulk edit these links? If not, what would be the recommended approach to going about replacing all of these links?
Thanks for connecting with us here at the Brightspace Community!
Currently, we do not have such a tool inside the Brightspace Environment. However, if you require an assist with this effort please feel free to reach out to your IT Help Desk/ Institution's Brightspace Administrators as they can connect with your dedicated Customer Success team for additional support.
We are also constantly looking for your feedback to continue to improve your Brightspace experience: submit a PIE item for this product feature request. The Product Idea Exchange (often referred to as PIE) is your place to share your product and feature ideas, discuss them with the Brightspace Community, and vote for those you would like to see developed. As a user of PIE, you can share your ideas for future enhancements and monitor the ideas of others.
I hope this helps.