Merged Courses and Using Student View to See What Students Can See

When I go to "Student View" for my merged courses, it doesn't show anything that is in the "parent" course. Why is that?

Best Answer


  • Linda.B.432
    Linda.B.432 Posts: 5 🌱

    Thank you, Brian.

    This is my first time using the merged course option in Brightspace, so I've been struggling--slightly-- with how things are suppposed to be and appear, as it works differently than our previous LMS.

    One thing that is happening is that whenever I click to view as student, it takes me to one of the other sections. It confuses me and makes me think something SHOULD be there (that is what prompted my question).

    So I guess my real question is: Did my creation of content in one of the sections pre-merge cause "View as Student" to default to showing that "pre-merge section" instead of the merged course? (I hope this makes sense. I'm haven't been able to find any documentation on the merge process from the standpoint of an instructor. I did find some one thing, out of many attempts, via Google search).

  • Linda.B.432
    Linda.B.432 Posts: 5 🌱

    I may need to clear my cache so that doesn't happen. I'll try that. If it doesn't solve the problem, I'll be back.

  • Linda.B.432
    Linda.B.432 Posts: 5 🌱

    Here is one site that gives some of the instructor perspective of merging.

    I think this portion of this page discusses something that might be at the root of my problem:

    • Request a merged course BEFORE adding content and/or setting up common tool areas (Assignments, Discussions etc.) in a course/section that will be used in a merge. When work has been done in a course/section that is to be used in a merge, the completed work is not easily accessed after the merge is built.
    • Avoid using Import/Export/Copy Components to copy course content into a course/section that will be used in a merge. When a copy of content from one course to another has occurred in a course/section that is to be used in a merge, the copied content, and any changes made to the copied content, is not easily accessed after the merge is built.
    • Prior to a requested merge build, if student data has been generated in a course/section involved in the merge, the student data will be lost.

    In my situation, I requested the merge six weeks ago, but it was just completed yesterday-- probably due to situations out of everyone's control--but I couldn't wait to create content. I had outlines prepared but transferring outlines to actual content still is labor intensive, especially when you have other courses beyond the ones that you want to merge.

  • Shane.S.150
    Shane.S.150 Posts: 6 🌱


    What was your previous LMS if you are okay with sharing? We are looking at D2L as a possible replacement for Blackboard. Trying to get some more of our peer's feedback on this.

    Thanks in advance

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 573 admin

    Hi @Linda.Black-Ochsenbein527

    I've shared this feedback with your Customer Success and Technical Account Management Teams.

    I'm not an expert in this area- but I've asked those team members if the difference may be in when you import content to the merged course.

    You make a good point about the effort and time it takes to move from outline to fully written course. My sense is that if you import the content after the merge has taken place, the access to content wouldn't be an issue- but connecting with your CSM and TAM will likely help to clarify.

    If you believe an error has taken place during the merge, and require assistance from support, but are unsure of how to reach your help desk please reply back and we can help to connect you with their contact details.