Very basic course offering/section question
Hi all, We've been on Brightspace since Summer 24 so still fairly new. I'm troubleshooting an issue we're having with Crosslisted courses and it's making me question how we have courses coming over via Ellucian ILP in the first place. So my very basic question is: Does a Course Offering have to have a Section associated…
Set Time Zone in Organization unit
Is it possible to add different default time zone in different Course offerings or some other Organizational units? Or is it possible to set automatic time zone for a user so it automatically changes to new time zone when users travel?
How do I reduce the number of tabs in the My Courses widget?
We have a huge variety of semester codes that render the My Courses widget practically unusable. We want to reduce the number of tabs in that widget by getting all modules related to one academic year into one tab. I've seen other unis doing this, but not sure how you get around the multiple semester ID issue, where the…
Media Library Videos/Audios and Courses Using Them
Hello, Is there a way to locate all Courses Org Units that are using each media object in the Media Library? I looked around in Data Hub and I could only find a report called "Media Objects" which provides the media object's Content ID but not the org units that are using them. Thanks Rim
Bulk Edit Org Units?
Is there a way to modify existing Org Units in bulk comparable to Bulk User Management or Bulk Course Copy/Create? Currently I need to change the Codes on a bunch of Templates (with OrgUnitID as key), but bulk changes to Course or Section names would also be useful.
Role not available in course migrated from another org unit (School)?
Hello wonderful D2L community! We have somewhat of an urgent issue that I'm trying to understand. We worked with our LMS administration to create a unique role that allows us to use the LMS autonomously for our internal courses (corporate use) and still protects the academic use of the same system (students). We currently…
Delete a course
Hello, Sorry, I can't seem to find a easy to understand explanation to officially delete a course on brightspace. Do I need to be on the course to delete it? do I go on Admin tools? Please let me know. thank you so much, Elena
get data from API
I am trying to pull data like given in the Datahub → Data Sets → 1. Organisational Units, 2. User Enrolments, 3. Course Access
Questions about learning paths
Hi! Say I am creating two learning paths. Both learning paths have the same course. 1. If I update one course in one learning path, will it update the other? (I prefer that this happen.) 2. Can I assign the same learning path to two different student groups, one student group starting on a Sunday with their own due dates…
Multi-institutional setup possible?
Hi, we're looking into Brightspace to set up course offerings coordinated through multiple institutions across the country. Does Brightspace allow this kind of central administrative setup? This page suggests that it is possible but want to make sure I'm not misreading.…
Assigning Instructors to Specific Sections
How does one go about assigning a specific instructor to a specific section within a course? I currently have a course with several instructors that need to be assigned to just one section. However, every instructor is listed as an instructor within all sections, so each section says it has 10 different instructors when it…
Enrollments and Org Unit Editor
Hi everyone! New to Brightspace. Do you know, if we enroll learners in a particular course, are those learners automatically also in rolled in all the org units above that course (Org, Pathways, Departments, etc.)?
Move Lesson back into Unit
One of our instructors accidentally dragged and dropped her First Unit into her Second Unit. Now her First Unit is a Lesson in her Second Unit. How does she get it back? She tried to drag it back but it won't go. When we click on the First Unit/Lesson the option to Reorder is greyed out.
Data Purge
I am currently trying to delete a large number of inactive courses but I do not have a DATA PURGE option, can someone help with this?
Re-structuring semesters in Brightspace
We're looking into streamlining some of the non-IPSIS fed semesters/courses that staff and students are enrolled on. These include Student Hub spaces with institutional support pages and Staff module design resources. What's the impact on moving support modules built in a different semester, say, 'Spaces' and move that to…
What is the path to get org unit paths?
This API route - PUT /d2l/api/lp/(version)/orgstructure/(orgUnitId) - requires Path as part of the OrgUnit.OrgUnitProperties { "Identifier": <string:D2LID>, "Name": <string>, "Code": <string>|null, "Path": <string>, "Type": { <composite:OrgUnit.OrgUnitTypeInfo> } } However, the similar GET call does not return Path. The…
How is a department added to a course offering?
A course offering is created using the CreateCourseOffering data structure (below) but this has no entry for "Department", which is included in the CourseOffering data structure, when the course offering is pulled from brightspace. How is department added to the offering via the REST API? I see no way in the reference at…
Is the OrgUnitTypeId for CourseOffering is fixed for all D2l Instances??
OrgUnitType Id for Course offering is "3" for my installation. Is it fixed for all D2L installation or it depends on the D2L installation. I want to filter organization of Course Offering type since https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/orgunit.html#get--d2l-api-lp-(version)-outypes- this API is not authorized for…