How do I reduce the number of tabs in the My Courses widget?

We have a huge variety of semester codes that render the My Courses widget practically unusable. We want to reduce the number of tabs in that widget by getting all modules related to one academic year into one tab. I've seen other unis doing this, but not sure how you get around the multiple semester ID issue, where the tabs relate to the specific semester IDs.
We can't change the semester codes themselves, which means we can't change the semester ID. We can only change the semester name.
Has anyone figured a way around this? Or used an alternative approach to amalgamate multiple semester codes into one tab?
Have you tried customizing the Widget?
If you click the arrow beside the name of the my courses widget you should see the option to "Customize This Widget"
Then you should scroll down and check the box for "Group by Semester" -
Thanks Samantha. We currently use that option but as we have over 100 semester codes, that doesn't reduce the tabs much at all. Is there a way to include multiple codes using the same name in one tab?