Learners missing the "launch unit" button?
I'm curious how everyone else teaches their users how to navigate courses. Our courses all have a Widget based homepage with a Visual Table of Contents. Sometimes learners somehow get stuck on the Content page. I've received feedback that they don't realize that, in order to read the info in the Unit/Lesson page, they have…
Discussion - Feedback from instructor
Hi, Is it possible for instructors to know if the feedback they've given on a discussion post using the grading tool has been read by a student? In assignments - there is clearly a way for instructors to see this. But I don't see anything similar in discussions. Please help? -Linda
Advancing to next unit in New Learner Experience
We have some courses set up with the New Learner Experience. When learners reach the end of the unit, they see an "End of Unit" page. The next activity arrow is grayed out and not available. They have to click the "I'm Done!" button, which then takes them back out to the course homepage. Is there a way to enable the next…
Student view
How Can I access get student view
I don't want the weekend to show
As far as I can tell, this "Show Weekends" checkbox in calendar setting only works for the "Week" view: Week view: They still show up in the "Month" view and in the grid on the right: Also, is it possible to abbreviate the names of the days of the week so that "Wednesday" isn't cropped? Tags: UX, User Experience
Content's Continue Button takes you to the last page you finished?
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if I should submit a PIE. In the Content tool, when you reach the end of a unit and click the "I'm Done!" button. It returns you to the Content tool, and now it has a button called "Continue" which takes you to the last topic you completed. If this topic you click on Continue was the last…
possibility of linking pharmacy training
is it possible? to show me the steps of linking all competencies of my training program with competencies.
Course banner and homepage widget
Is there a way to change the course banner without it affecting the homepage widget? We are updating to the New Learner Experience but when doing that all of our course banners need to be edited, which then messes up the homepage widget as well. We're hoping to keep our current widgets on the homepage and just update the…
2 different 'Content' tab views: 'continue' button+table of contents, or navigation sidebar+content
Our courses have two different user experiences, and we want to make them consistent. The new content experience is enabled in all courses. Course A: Clicking 'Content' shows you this view, with a table of contents visible on the left side at all times (see 'E3 101 Getting Started: About this module' image): Course B:…
Padlet in Brighspace keeps jumping when I type
I wanted to add to a Padlet for Uni. Each time I typed a letter the screen would jump and I can't see where I am typing. I thought it was just my computer issue (MAC) but a lot of people are also having this issue.
What are some of your favorite tools for student and instructor accountability?
Hello! I am curious what the community thinks are some of the best tools for student and instructor accountability. Things like login times, submission times, feedback response times. Tools that help administrators keep students and instructors accountable. Thank you:)
How do I give the facilitator role the ability to adjust due dates?
How do I give facilitators associated with programs that use our Brightspace platform the power to change due dates without granting them the ability to change assignment grades and other specifications? Our goal for our online program is to give our students flexibility with their education, but we still want to implement…
Do students have access to the graphical equation editor to respond in quizzes?
I see that instructors can use the graphical equation editor to write their questions but do students have the same ability for a fill in the blank or short answer question? This is specifically for a calculus course and the instructor doesn't want to use multiple choice. What is the best way to go about this?
Can the colors of the New Learner Experience (LX) be changed?
We have been testing the New Learner Experience (LX) for potential use in training courses in our instance. However, the color of the new view defaults to a bright blue. Is it possible to change this color?