Student access to brightspace API

Manmilan.S.405 Posts: 2 New Community Member
edited February 12 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary


I want to create a project where users can extract their registered courses, but I do not know if the API allows that access to students or if it's even feasible.

Is there any resource I can refer to to find out what API calls I, as a student, can make?

Thank you,



  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 101 🎓

    In general, it aligns with what the same account can do from the web interface. So if you were to write some code and put it in a widget so it runs from the logged in user's context, it should work.

    If you log on with a test student user and then paste the correct URL for the relevant GET API call into the browser address bar you should get a sensible response, eg

    GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/enrollments/myenrollments/