Regarding Fix #01783077 (HTML Written response questions overwritten with undefined)
Just wondering what the behaviour was for this prior to the fix? We had an instance recently where a student's answers to a written response question were blank but in the Quiz Log we could see that they had entered text (# of characters). Wondering if this will be corrected with this fix? (BTW, this link goes to a…
Why doesn't Chrome Android display any custom styles for HTML pages?
We use the Brightspace LMS learning platform at our university. Since the last update of the Brightspace Pulse app for mobile experiences it shows web content using your default browser app (Chrome Android in my case) instead of the Pulse embedded web browser. However, the web content doesn't display any custom styles when…
Data on usage of content templates from Public Files?
Is there any way to find out how many courses are using the HTML content templates that we added to Public Files? Since selecting a template just copies the code to the HTML page, I'm assuming there won't be an easy way to get this data, but just wanted to see if any other universities were trying to figure out how many…
I can't get information to look right when published.
Content will look okay when I am working on it, but when I update there are spacing errors throughout. For ex- I have left spaces between lines of text or have aligned text with a photo, but when I click update, the spacing does not show. When I go to edit it again, it shows several spaces/lines between the text, but this…