Change <code> colour?
A colleague pointed out that text in <code> tags shows up as red. This is not ideal for people with colorblindness. Does anyone know the default css file that can be updated? I poked through four css files our templates link to (all default), and can't find where I'd change this setting. We checked: bootstrap.min.css…
Images marked as decorative are reset after saving
We use decorative images in our units and lessons, as shown for a unit in figure 1: After adding such images to a unit (or lesson) one gets the option to mark the image as decorative by ticking the box, as shown in figure 2 (in Dutch): After inspecting the code the image uses a null alt text and null title attribute. This…
Why are my tabs wonky using html Tabs element?
I've added content to an HTML file using the Tabs element (D2L template). When I open it on Edge or Safari, the tabs appear normal at first but then clump together and are only viewable the first time I click on them. Google Chrome is slightly better, but not with 100% consistency. If I use the pop-out feature to open the…
Highlight in HTML editor
In the HTML editor, there doesn't seem to be a way to highlight text? Is the code to type in so that text can be highlighted? Highlight is not necessarily an accessibility issue since it can often be used as grey scale.
Aside from replacement strings are there other ways to include variable information?
Is there any way in order to create an intelligent agent and copy it across multiple courses and use replacement information other than the basic replacement strings within the email. As in have a (possibly external) database of information and phrases and place them in the email using custom replacement strings. Possibly…
Inserting a chart
I would like to insert a 2-row chart (title row and row with the information) into a page. I want the title to be clickable so that when it is clicked it will open the rest of the chart which is hidden until the title is clicked. Is this possible and if so, how? Thanks for any help.
How would I obtain new templates for my org?
Our current templates are 4 or 5 years old. How would we obtain the newest versions of HTML templates for our org?
How to create an "anchor links" to a different webpage within the same course shell?
Hello — I'm familiar with how to create anchor links using <id> tags within a single webpage (I do this to produce a table of contents for long webpages), but I'm having trouble figuring out how to modify the type of link that "Insert Quicklink" yields to help students reach a specific section of a different webpage…
Page elements
How do I copy & paste page elements (e.g., an icon callout) from the 07-elements template onto a web page I am working on that uses a different template? Do I have to create a "fake" page in the elements template that I can copy from?
Broken Image Links and Styles in Downloaded Content
In the March 2022 release notes there is mention of the Print and Download feature available in the content UI. "This release adds Print and Download options to content files and HTML content in New Learner Experience (LX), which allows learners to study their course content offline more easily. The new buttons appear at…
HMTL editing not functioning in Safari
Hello, I'm not able to edit content pages (html, using the visual editor), on Safari. The editor won't load existing content or let me enter new content. I have the most recent version of Safari so it should be "supported", so I'm not sure if there is a setting or something that might be causing this error (or is this a…
Populating courses from a course template
Hi everyat ione, We are planning on building out robust course templates for every course so that when our SIS integration is ready it will create the courses that look identical to the parent template. It seems that when I try and create a course based on a parent template it doesn't automatically build the course.…
Change the background of a D2L credential information page
Greetings, My name is Ervin Howard, Instructional Designer of the University of North Georgia (Oconee campus). I need some advice and assistance about the D2L credential information page that is generated after a recipient earns a digital badge. I attached a copy of an image of D2L information page that shows the…
Use of figcaption vs alt-text?
Which is best to use from an accessibility point of view and that works best with screen readers? I have been looking, and I need help finding consistency. Some say do not use alt="" with a figcaption, and some say it is OK. WCAG standards do not speak to this. There are times when attributions are needed for images. I…
Brightspace Pulse doesn't show HTML pages anymore since last update
Hi, Until recently I could open HTML topic pages in the Pulse app without problems. Nowadays, the pulse app opens the HTML pages, but it looks like desktop view with sidebar and options to add new content and stuff, as shown in figure 1. Figure 1. Before it showed the HTML page as a webpage with specific styles and so…
Embedded Spotify podcast blocked - how to permanently allow for all users
I'm having an issue embedding Spotify podcasts onto our lessons for users to listen to. The embedded code has been added and shows up from an administrator perspective. However when logging in as a learner, it shows that the media is from another wesbite and has been blocked, but it does not give the option to allow this…
Responsive Video Player and Video Lecture Template
I read the release notes on the changes needed to the Video Lecture document template and added the code snippet to the custom.css file. The result was not what I expected. When I deleted the YouTube video there and then added a media library video, the video overlaid the text at the top of the page and appeared very…
Is there standard HTML classes for use when wanting a custom widget to produce a dialog
We would like to utilise a popup/dialog within a custom widget and rather than importing external styles/libraries. we would like to utilise the system standard ones so our widget follows the system and future upgrades. Is there any documention on what the standard dialog HTML classes are and can they be provided?