Settings changed after hotifx rollout
Hi, Did anyone have any settings change after the hotfix update over the weekend? I noticed a few small (and one pretty major) issues this week where some settings in both org units I'm admin for had been changed - including some quiz questions getting jumbled up, and some homepage settings reverting in weird ways. Has…
How to Fix New News Items Not Sorting Chronologically
When a new News Item is posted in a course, it is not sorted in correct chronological order on the News page. This causes an issue because when scheduled News Items post on a later date, they will not post above the manually created News Item on the course home page. There used to be a workaround where if all of the News…
Incorrect classes on homepage
How do I remove a class off my dashboard that I am not enrolled in?
Quiz Printer Widget Limitations
Has anyone else installed the new Quiz Printer Widget? We recently discovered two limitations that are not listed in the known issues. First, if you have more than 20 quizzes in the course, only the first 20 will appear in the widget. (This isn't too bad as instructors can re-order them to see the other quizzes, but it's…
Why are there now random BS default images on homepage unit buttons
Hello Why are there now random BS default images on our course homepage unit buttons if an image was not selected in the course content? In some cases the BS default mountain image is replaced with the banner image e.g. This is OK but is a shame because visually the course looks very uniform and does not highlight key…
I can't get my Visual TOC Banners to show the correct images
I'm having trouble getting my Visual TOC modules to show the images I want. All the modules seem to do is repeat the top banner. I include the images in the top of the description box inside the modules and list them as decorative, but it doesn't matter. Last semester they would show up in the Visual TOC modules…
Repository for the Default Course Image Library
As mentioned in the Documentation, D2L Brightspace has a image library that teachers can use to set course images on a whim, including having those images be tagged (i.e. searching skeleton results in the library pulling images of a skeleton). I really enjoy the selection of these images from what I've seen as a learner…
Home Page Widget
Hello! Is there a way to hide a widget on the course's homepage without hiding it in the course content? If I delete a widget while editing the home page will that also delete the content I've added within my modules?
Can instructors share homepages?
I know that in the course export options part of the homepage can be shared. I am particularly interested in sharing a homepage layout template as an instructor. When I export my widget homepage, the banner and similar settings transfer, but my widget selection and placement does not. I'd like to avoid duplicating work. At…
How to place a personalized component in homepage without affecting the layout?
Greetings! I'm designing a personalized course in brightspace for my college which must be a 'Gamified route'. Currently I have thought of everything I want in the gamified route, however, I am having problems when building custom components, because when creating them with HTML, JavaScript and CSS and placing them in,…
Is it possible to set up one navbar at a brand level and have it automatically push to all org units
I would like to create a standard navbar (a standard but customised navbar for each brand) for multiple different brands under my institution (one institution basically owns multiple college brands and all their various campuses) and have the same navbar applied to all the courses under the specific brand. Unfortunately…
Landing Page Access
I hvae an instructor who no longer has access to their landing page. All our courses are on instructor landing pages. They can access their course through the waffle, but when they log in our district page has become their landing page. I have checked all settings and they are enrolled as an instructor on their landing…
Change Banner Image on Organization Homepage
Our organization's homepage needs a fresh look. How do I change the banner image on the homepage?
Hello, I have a professor who is having an issue in which a specific course's homepage somehow became his default homepage whenever he logs into Brightspace or clicks the My Home icon. Our administrator checked and ensured that the University course homepage is set as default. Can anyone tell me how to address this issue?…
I have links and pages that show up in my content browser but not my content
From my course Home Page, in the Content Browser I have a page and link to an assignment that show up here but AREN'T or DON'T show up when I try to get to them through my Content tab. I don't know how to find these items to delete them. If I view my course as a student, they don't show up. Where are these items and how…
I cannot for the life of me edit the widgets!
I just created a course shell, and I have read several forums on how to edit widgets, but my course shell simply isn't giving me the options to edit the widgets or home page at all. I've watched videos on how to do it, and it seems like my course is missing important links. Please help!
D2L Course Page freezing
Has anyone else had any trouble with the D2L course page freezing in Chrome browser? This has happened to me three times now, and each time it has been in a different page of my course. So far it has happened in Content, the course homepage, and in Assignments. The navbar and the scroll bar both disappear and I am unable…