Why are there now random BS default images on homepage unit buttons


Why are there now random BS default images on our course homepage unit buttons if an image was not selected in the course content?

In some cases the BS default mountain image is replaced with the banner image e.g.


This is OK but is a shame because visually the course looks very uniform and does not highlight key units within the programme e.g. initial advice and mid-course evaluation as the previous BS default mountain image was used.

But in others a random irrelevant image is inserted e.g. https://cicm.brightspace.com/d2l/home/7145 has a jungle image with a waterfall which doesn't match the office image in the banner.

How do I alter this random images so they match the banner image?

Is there any way that we can return to the previous BS default mountain image.

If not, I'll have to find other images to differentiate the other units in our courses, which will be very time consuming.

Hope you can help.

Best regards




  • Hello, Debbie!

    That's a good question! I cannot see into your courses, but I have some ideas that might help a bit.

    It sounds like you're using the Visual Table of Contents widget, showing the units in Content on the homepage of your course. The image that displays there will typically pull from the banner image selected in the course homepage as a default, but there are some circumstances that will cause other images to display instead.

    One such scenario is that there may be images embedded in the Unit Descriptions, which will often display instead of the default banner image. To check this, go into Content and click on the Unit Header that has the unexpected image in the Table of Contents. Look and see if there are any images in the description. If so, these images might override the default of the banner image for the course.

    If there aren't images in the content units that are overriding the default, it could mean that a course is set to point to a different default tile image in the widget's settings. In this case, the overriding image would likely be consistent across most or all of the units in the course.

    Someone with administrative privileges in your environment would likely be able to check this by looking at the widget configuration ("…" button in the top-right corner of the widget) and checking the code there to see if the DefaultTileImage property displays there. If so, that may be pointing to the offending image, and the property may need to be removed from the code.

    There's also a default path where these can be uploaded in public or organization files that might be overriding the value, documented here under Set default tile image:


    (Someone with administrator permissions would need to be involved to look into that as well.)

    It's worth noting that the January release will make it easier to configure and determine the settings for this widget, so that not as much administrator/json knowhow is necessary to troubleshoot this problem.

    I hope this information helps, Debbie! Have a great day!

    • Jace