D2L Course Page freezing

Kira.H.305 Posts: 20 🌱
edited May 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

Has anyone else had any trouble with the D2L course page freezing in Chrome browser? This has happened to me three times now, and each time it has been in a different page of my course. So far it has happened in Content, the course homepage, and in Assignments. The navbar and the scroll bar both disappear and I am unable to navigate on the page at all. Has anyone else had this experience?


  • Olly.F.893
    Olly.F.893 Posts: 71

    Hi Kira. Because you're an Approved Support Contact, if something were impacting your Brightspace site from the D2L side, you'd be notified.

    As a first step, I'd try the following to see if any of these make an impact:

    • Refreshing the cache for the site (Ctrl + F5 on a Windows device)
    • Trying a different browser
    • Trying an incognito window (in case you have browser plugins that are causing the issue)
    • Trying a different device
    • Trying a different WiFi network