Course import using Brightspace API (and Postman)
— cross-posting; also posted in Developers group forum — Hi, I am trying to use the "Create a new course import job request" api: Has anyone successfully used this API endpoint using Postman? I'm using Postman 10.15.4. My API call authenticates but after a few seconds (evidently after the transfer of the zip file), I get a…
Permission to see User in API
Hi team, I'm trying to access the UserData block of the calling user context, by the following Endpoint: If I use the URL/d2l/api/lp/1.43/users/ as an administrative user, I can see exactly the information I'm after (in this case specifically, I'm trying to retrieve the current users External Email). However, for a…
Supporting adaptive assessments
We're working with our testing center to explore putting our writing placement exam into Brightspace. The goal is to create an assessment that helps students self-identify what writing (or reading/writing) course they should register for. The quiz tool doesn't support adaptive branching (currently), so I'm curious if…
APIs - Set/Get Release Conditions
Hi all, In our organization, we make extensive use of the release conditions feature. As an example, we have a module in a course offering that contains numerous topics, each of which is a weblink that points to a student's Google Drive folder. We manually add restrictions to each of these topics so that only the specific…
API to create parent/guardian relationship with student not working
I'm not able to make the PUT /d2l/api/bfp/(version)/relationships/ API (https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/user.html#put--d2l-api-bfp-(version)-relationships-) to create a parent/guardian and student relationship between a Student and Guardian. My PUT request goes to…
Creating user via API issue
I am using our LMS to create users via the Brightspace API, logged in as Super Admin. I can create LEARNER users (RoleID: 438) without issue, but when I try to create a PARENT-GUARDIAN user (RoleID: 443), I get a 403 Not Authorized error. I've used a number of API functions: course creation, course copy, org structure, and…
Is it possible to erase all the content and files from an OrgUnit in the Recycle Bin?
I looked into the API documentation and didn't find a way to erase files and the content of an OrgUnit in the recycle bin. Can someone help me?
Has anyone had issues LibGuides using ILP due to cross listing Process?
Hello, Does anyone use Colleague along with the ILP course provisioning process? We are having issues with our library services tool, LibGuides using the ILP to provision the cross listed courses. LibGuides uses naming conventions which are altered through the cross listed creation process by ILP in D2L. The creation of a…
Setting Due Dates on Assignment using API?
I'm trying to use API to programmatically set the due date fields on an assignment from an external application. I've searched the API reference and haven't been able to find anything related to assignments or due dates. Has anyone had this issue and been able to find API to solve this? Thanks!
Integrations? D2L Standard CSV, Valence API, which others?
In the documentation of D2L Standard CSV 2.0/2.1 it says "D2L Standard CSV is one of the many information system integration options that are commonly used by D2L clients". Other than the D2L Standard CSV in different versions, and the Valence API, which other integrations are available for integration of course templates,…
How Do I determine if a module/topic is hidden using APIs?
For a course that I am working on, I would like to create a table of contents that lists the modules and topics contained in the course. Each module represents a unit and contains multiple topics (lessons). In addition, I would like the table of contents to show the modules/topics that are visible to students not list any…
How to Enable Google Meet
I'm currently trying to create a Google Meet session on Brightspace, however I get the following error. I can't find documentation on how to set this up or troubleshoot this, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?
Using the Valence REST API, how to search for course(s) by name or by semester name
I am new to this. I authorize using oAuth2 (PHP and cURL) and can query or update our D2L Brightspace data from our Student Information System. But is there an API function for : 1.Searching for a course(s) by name, ex. "Science"? I can only list ALL of courses. 2.Searching for a course(s) by semester name? Currently, I…
get Forbidden statuscode on User Attributes api
{{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/lp/{{lpversion}}/attributes/users/ /d2l/api/lp/1.42/attributes/users/143002 With IdKey authenticaion, this api returns Fordidden Is there any configuration causing this issue?