Why do I get error code 400 when I Post Topic to D2L?
Url: "https://partners.brightspace.com/d2l/api/le/1.12/10593/content/modules/366347/structure/?x_a=......................." request body (as described here): {"Title":"123", "ShortTitle":"", "Type":1, "TopicType":3,…
How to move section(s) to a different course offering? Valence
I have two course offerings with three sections in each and I want to move all sections under one course. * CourseA * Sec1, Sec2, Sec3 * CourseB * Sec4, Sec5, Sec6 I tried removing the parent relationship with CourseB from Sec4,5,6 and adding CourseA as their parent. DELETE /orgstructure/Sec4/parent/CourseB POST…
Valence UI... what happened to it?
Hi all, I was just checking on the documentation for the vui as I was telling a colleague about it... http://ui.valence.d2l.com/ seems to be pointing to a 404 error now.... what happened to it? Did vui moved from bower to something else?
Is there an API call to retrieve list of all courses with orgUnitId's?
I am looking for a specific non-course and I need a way to dynamically retrieve the orgUnitIds.
How do the geotag metadata for ePortfolio objects get populated?
According to the API documentation, ePortfolio objects can be geotagged. (http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/epobject.html ) As I support a Geography course, I can see some potential use cases for this functionality. Does anybody know how that gets populated? I was hoping that for images that had geotagging data in…
How to establish connection and make API calls to Brightspace (to create a user and enroll the...
How to establish connection and make API calls to Brightspace (to create a user and enroll the user to a specific course) ? I have a web application that handles user authentication. Once the user is logged in, his/her eligibility for a course is checked (internal logic). If user is eligible for a course, I would like to…
File Upload in a folder in Assignment
I am using below API for file upload. /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/(folderId)/submissions/mysubmissions And for the authentication, I use ID/Key-based authentication system with my super user account. The issue is that, whenever I upload a file, the file is always under the name of super user account.…
Using Valency API in content page
I am trying to add a module of html page in Table of Content. I want to add a button in the page which uses valency API. I am not sure how to accomplish this because I am struggling getting OAUTH token. I setup OAUTH application in setting. When I click the button in the page I made, it you redirect to oauth page and then…