what user permissions are needed to update the users data using /d2l/api/lp/1.35/users/


Hi, we are trying to update pronouns from our SIS into Brightspace using APIs and are currently testing. We get a permissions error when attempting to run /d2l/api/lp/1.35/users/

Can we get a list of all permissions needed to successfully make this call?

Thank you,



  • Ivan.N.979

    Hello Holly,

    Thank you for contacting us through the Brightspace community!

    https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/user.html#id3 According to our API documentation: This action is subject to user privacy controls. The calling user context must belong to a role granted permission to see all user fields via User Information Privacy.

    Thank you,


  • Holly.S.916
    Holly.S.916 Posts: 2 🌱

    Ok that's great Ivan, thank you! I have a couple other questions if you wouldn't mind having a look.

    1. It looks like we have to update all the fields on the user profile with when using the API, but we only want to update the pronoun field. We can workaround this, but we’d like to know if it’s possible to update just the pronoun field using the API.
    2. We’d like to set the showpronouns field to turn on viewing of pronouns got students who have consented to having their pronouns displayed in our SIS. We’re using the /d2l/api/lp/(version)/users/mypronouns/visibility. Our developer is able to update his own showporonouns field using the API, but we need to know if/how we can use it to update the showpronouns field for all students.

    Thank you for your help!
