Quick Eval slow to load!
Hey everyone, I'm noticing a major slowdown with the Quick Eval tool loading. It can take 30-50 seconds to refresh, or load whenever I visit. This includes when I first load it, mark an assignment, and then return to the Quick Eval screen to go to the next assignment. Is anyone else noticing this and what might be causing…
Which formative assessment tool do you find easiest to use and/or most user friendly?
Hello Community, I currently am building my first Brightspace course. I am striving for it to be interactive and user friendly. I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on which tools are the most user friendly among the following: surveys, polls and/or discussion boards? Our school also is looking into having Padlet as an…
Quick Eval: removing an evaluator
My role has changed. I now have an admin role. A few course assignments continue to show up in my quick eval. How do I make that stop?
The Drawing tool during inline evaluations has started making rectangles and won't stop
I've already used the inline evaluation tool to mark up several of my students' assignments. But now the Drawing Tool makes vector rectangles and nothing else. When I place a point to draw, it is the origin of a rectangle. The highlighter tool still works as intended (freeform lines/drawing). Even when I go back to old…
I don't see any submission in quick eval even though i have more than 30 submission that i can see
I have the assignment submission as a file submission, please let me know if you can. help
Multi-course Quick Eval
I have been removed as a teacher for several courses when they were transferred to other teachers. However, those classes still appear in my Multi-course Quick Eval. Below is an image of what I see. I do not teach any of these courses listed. I realize that I may filter out these courses, but the filter resets every time I…
Grading is very slow in Brightspace
Why is grading so cumbersome and slow in D2L? Why do I have to click on the submitted document, then wait for it to appear, provide my feedback, and then click "publish", wait for it to publish, then click the arrow button to go to the next student? That's 3 clicks and waiting 3 times that greatly slows down my ability to…
Typing in the 'Quick Eval' sticky notes glitching
Hello, Whenever I type in sticky notes while marking in 'Quick Eval', my keyboard goes wonky and starts adding text to the start of the sentence, like this: a sentence Monica is typing It only happens when I type in sticky notes — no other program or platform. Anyone else encounter this?
What is meant by
In the September 2024/20.24.9 release notes, it says the following: Quick Eval – Improved tool performance with enrollment limits | Updated To avoid performance issues such as timeouts, users are limited to 1000 explicit enrollments in Quick Eval. If a user is explicitly enrolled in more courses than the limit, activities…
Grading assignments, easier way to press to next student
As a TA, I have the responsibility of grading the last 20 or so students in the course. When going to Activities > Assignments > selecting the assignment > I have to press next (with the arrows) all the way to the student I have to start grading from in order to grade and then click next to the arrow. There should be a…
Quick Eval and Work To Do both erroneously report nothing left to grade
Quick Eval and WTD worked correctly until the last day of classes, after which both reported nothing left to grade. However, this was incorrect: there were many unread discussion posts and 20 ungraded final essays. Is this is a known issue? Was something wrong in my setup ? (first time using) Many Thanks
Where can I find information on Multi-Course Quick Eval tool and how it can be deployed?
Evaluating a course and instructor
Hello I am looking for a tool to evaluate a course and instructor.
How to differentiate SUBMITTED Evaluations & Quizzes from opened?
Hello, we are not clear. When a student opens an Evaluation or Quiz, Brightspace shows instructors an orange dot to indicate that the Evaluation or Quiz was opened. But once a student SUBMITS the Evaluation or Quiz, meaning the Evaluation or Quiz can now be marked, we do not see any differentiation nor notifications, just…
Quick Eval - the PDF work that students submitted does not show up.
Hi there, Previously under the Quick Eval, teachers are able to view the PDF submitted by students. But starting from last week, the PDF is not visible anymore. Help please. Thank you.
Been trying to find the tab Quick Eval but in vain
Hi all, I'm very new to brightspace. Been trying in vain to find or create the tab Quick Eval. Can anyone help?
QuickEval Showing Full Classlist For Quizzes
Has anyone noticed that in QuickEval, the number of people that shows up for quizzes seems to account for all of the people in the class and not students, see the screenshot below. If I go to Evaluate All/Submission List, it will only show one student.
Quick Eval is showing the users that are not even learners or participants? Please fix ASAP. thanks
Quick Eval (maybe just the widget issue) is showing the users that are not even learners or participants in the course on assignments. This seems to be happening for all the assignments. Please get this fixed asap and advise. (Screenshots are attached)
Student Feedback on Instructor Suggestions/Feedback
I am looking for a way for a student to be able to respond to inline comments and suggestions on writing assignments within D2L. We do have Turnitin, and the Feedback Studio integrated for assignments, but students would like to respond inline to comments made on assignments. Any suggestions?
Can you add filters to Quick Eval?
One of our courses has 10 sections. When evaluators click on Quick Eval, there's no way to determine which users are in which section (nor add any filters to the list of submissions). Is it possible to add filters to Quick Eval? If not, I'll submit a PIE.