QuickEval Showing Full Classlist For Quizzes

Has anyone noticed that in QuickEval, the number of people that shows up for quizzes seems to account for all of the people in the class and not students, see the screenshot below. If I go to Evaluate All/Submission List, it will only show one student.
Hi Emma,
Thank you for reaching Brightspace community!
The submission view in the Quick Eval will provide list of learners submission that are awating for evaluation. For the quiz attempt when the learner completes a quiz set and the quiz is graded and saved then the quiz attempt will be evaluated and not displayed in the Quick Eval. ( Ntoe: Quiz would need to be without auto grading )
The Quick Eval Activities view provide pre-sorted list of all required activities that have user evidence and no feedback is yet published. Activities displays indicators to show learner progress on submissions, and instructor progress on evaluations and publishing feedback to learners.
You can find more information about Quick eval Submission and Activities view in here.
Hope this helps !
Thanks, that doesn't really answer my question though. In the class that the screenshot came from, I only have one student enrolled. Why does the quiz show that there are three students to be evaluated when there could only ever be one student that should be evaluated?
Hi Emma,
Can you check if any of the Cascading roles are granted with permission to "Take a quiz as a participant", this could increase the number of the eligible users to take quiz and can be included in the count. You would need to remove the permission from the role .
Hope this helps!