Typing in the 'Quick Eval' sticky notes glitching

Monica.M.241 Posts: 8 🌱


Whenever I type in sticky notes while marking in 'Quick Eval', my keyboard goes wonky and starts adding text to the start of the sentence, like this:

a sentence Monica is typing

It only happens when I type in sticky notes — no other program or platform. Anyone else encounter this?



  • Subul.I.322
    Subul.I.322 Posts: 132 admin

    Hi @Monica.M.241! To better understand, is this issue limited to PDF submissions? Would you mind sharing a screenshot?

  • Monica.M.241
    Monica.M.241 Posts: 8 🌱

    So far, it is only with PDFs.

    I encourage most of my students to submit PDFs because Brightspace is so slow (many, many extra clicks) while marking jpeg submissions.

    Here are some screenshots:

    **Unrelated note — Dear Brightspace: the function to make these photos smaller doesn't work. When I hover my cursor over the option to change the size, the dropdown menu doesn't stay active :(.