Has anyone been encountering problems with Release Conditions lately?
I was wondering how to control the visibility of assignment submission folders and quizzes according to sections. I have attached released conditions to a Teacher Facilitator role so that they can only see assignment and quiz submissions specific to their section, but for some reason, they can still see all assignment…
Can Assignment submissions be automatically uploaded to portfolio?
Is it possible to link assignment submissions to the portfolio tool where a student's assignment upload automatically gets sent to their portfolio as well? If possible, how can I set this up? If not possible, would something like an intelligent agent be of any help creating this assignment-portfolio link?
duplicate / shadow assignments appeared
I somehow have created duplicate assignments within my gradebook that are named "File"(1) or "File"(2). Some of these show up for the students with no grades, others show up with grades twice. I know I have to delete one of the assignments, but which one? I don't want to lose the student grades, or have to enter them all a…
Apple pencil won't draw lines
My apple pencil used to let me write on homework. Now it will only highlight or highlight with light gray writing. What setting changed and how do I get it back to being a writing utensil.
text submission locked
Teachers are finding that sometimes they accidently set an assignment to "text submission" vs "file submission" and once they have had a submission, they can no longer change that option. Which in my experience to change that one setting means I need to copy the assignment, delete the old one and manually update any marks…
Giving Feedback issue
An instructor tries giving a student in their course feedback, they get this message(see image). What can we do about it?
AI statement prompt
This is a shot-in-the-dark question but I think it would serve folks beyond me and my class. Here's what I would love to see and why. Over the last year, I've had a moving target policy regarding AI use in essay writing for assignments. I allow students to use AI in certain contexts (which I outline in my syllabus and in…
Is there a way to export an entire class' marks broken down by rubric criterion for an assignment?
I associated a rubric with an assignment. The gradebook shows the summation of the rubric marks, but I'd like a spreadsheet with the grades for every student and what they received for each criterion. Is this possible in D2L? I am an instructor.
How can I obtain the assignment ID when the external tool launches?
Hi, I've integrated an external tool into Brightspace using deep linking, and everything works it launches correctly. I've also sent back a deep linking response, which has been added as my external tool link to the assignment. However, after checking the payload I received from the tool launch, I noticed that there is no…
Classes not synching with D2L Brightspace
Hello Brightspace Team, We are about to next term SPRING 2024-2025 SEMESTER and we would like your guidance on requirements in order to avoid any type of inconveniences with our registration process. We have set up all the classes on anthology, however it is not synching with D2L Brightspace and we need some helping hand…
Can't Change Assignment Type to Group Assignment
I created an assignment in which I inadvertently failed to post date the start date until after I created groups for the class. A student submitted his work, which I did not grade, and the Assignment Type setting locked to Individual Assignment. I deleted the student's submission and changed the start date to a later time…
Is there a way to only list student usernames in Dropbox
We tried using anonymous marking for our Dropbox assignments, but when 5 out of 10 students are selected to have their assessments published, all 10 students will no longer be anonymous in the Dropbox folder. So we are thinking of changing the usernames we use for student accounts and were wondering if Dropbox can list…
Using Brightspace to Track Scholarship Points
I recently started building a Brightspace course for the scholarship program that I oversee, in which each of our 100-120 scholars must earn 100 points per year based on their campus involvement. For example, being a student org president earns you 15 points, attending an educational campus lecture earns 5 points each,…
Turnitin not providing submission button/needing administrator permission to remove from assignment
I had an instructor say he received several emails from students stating they didn't have a way to submit the assignment (which would go through Turnitin). We did not get any screenshots of this. The instructor then went to remove using the Turnitin feature but he said a notice came up saying he had to get administrator…
Unable to display assignments in annotation tool
We had some instructors report getting this error when using Firefox a couple of weeks ago, changing browsers resolved the issue. We are now seeing this in Google Chrome. I haven't noticed this on the known issues log, but wanted to see if anyone else had this problem before submitting a ticket.
Strange Comment Behavior. Text Shifting Out of Place in Sentences
One of our faculty experienced the cursor acting strangely when leaving comments on an assignment. While she was typing the comment box would sometimes shirt her text back to a point in the sentence it did not belong. So "The dog ran across the street" becomes "across the street The dog ran". Has anyone else heard of this?…
Custom Rubric Dataset with Assignment Title & Instructor Feedback – Need Help with Table Connections
Hello, I'm working on creating a custom rubric dataset that includes some information from the advanced rubric dataset and additional fields like instructor feedback. My goal is to be able to link rubric data to the assignment title to track rubric usage, grades, and feedback from different course sections. Here's where…
Review a student's self-assessment
As an instructor I want to view a student's self-assessment. This seems not possible. Why is that? Or am I missing something? Basically I want to create a course or lessen 'check in' to see how my students feel about themselves regarding their course progress with the help of different kind of question (types). A quiz…
Using a script to surface draft assignment grades - Javascript question
Our institution have been using the following script Steve Bentley posted back in 2019 https://community.brightspace.com/s/article/Developer-Spotlight-Using-a-script-to-surface-draft-assignment-grades Recently I've been looking to modify the script but my Javascript knowledge is basically non existent so I'm not even sure…
docx File Preview
I don't understand why I cannot view in Preview mode from Assignments, student work saved as a docx file. Why does Brightspace change the formatting from a submitted docx file. Things like spacing, paragraphs, pagination, etc. is ALL different most of the time. I shouldn't have to download and use my hard disk resources to…