Anyone else getting reports of issues with replacing files?
I received the following from an instructor. Does this sound familiar to anyone? When replacing a file with the same name, new file won't show if same name
. Fix for now is to rename file with name different from original. Example: A.pdf, replace with A1.pdf and it will show
. My guess is that there is some caching issue…
New Experience - SCORM Object Displaying Layout
Hello D2L community, I would like to ask if there is a workaround of the issue with the displaying of a SCORM (2004, 2nd ed) Object in a new experience configuration. The main point for us to use the new experience for learners was to make videos in a full-screen mode available. However, placing the SCORM object as an…
Submission file type changed after upload
I've had a strange experience wherein I uploaded a .dwg file (as a submitted assignment), then a .dxf file in the same assignment. I then deleted (moved to the trash bin) the .dwg file on the computer. I left both files on Brightspace. When I next looked at Brightspace, both were listed as .dxf files. Can anyone tell me…
Maximum size of a course shell and a file in Corporate Learning Management System
Hello! I have a question regarding to the Corporate Learning Management System. May I know the maximum file size of i) a course shell and ii) a file inside the course shell? Thank you very much!
I have three Brightspace courses that don't seem to be editable. Why is that?
Failed to fetch error
Hello, I used to be able to open and read d2L files as page format, then suddenly I can't read the file as page format and have to either view as text or download the file because it keeps telling me "PDF loading error: failed to fetch" even though I was trying to open PowerPoint slides or docx. files and also pdf. files.…
API Resumable uploads saving step returns HTTP:500
Hi, I've gone through the documentation and a couple discussion here, but I have not been able to complete the final file saving step. Acquiring the upload key: Gives me a location - which contains the key then using that we post the file: And finally we save it to the folder - this breaks :( Thank you, Corné
How to Preview Image Files in Manage Files
When I click on an image file name in Manage Files, it always downloads the file instead of showing a preview. I have tried multiple browsers, turned off extensions, and even confirmed that other colleagues at my organization are having the same experience. My question is how can I preview the image file without…
What permissions determine which items show up in the menus?
I've been updating role permissions and noticed some odd behavior. See Groups and See Sections permissions cause the Groups and Sections links to appear in the Course Admin page, but not in the Course Admin dropdown menu. What controls them in the menu? Similarly, See Organization Files does not cause Organization Files to…
Module subfolders not working
Until recently, I was able to group my content into this pattern (using module/lesson folders) - Module 1, Week 1, Lesson 1. This is working up to Module 4, Week 14, Lesson…. At Week 14 my Content Builder stops transferring to the Content page, AND I'm no longer able to set up a module with subfolder/lessons Please see…
File management
Question about file management and version control. Can I assume that when I copy a course, it also makes a copy of the pdfs within that course? If that is true, is there a way to avoid that, so that there is one pdf associated with a dept? Is there version control so that if I update that pdf, I can make sure that all…
Why can I Only view images from insert stuff > course files menu?
I have to go to insert quick link, then course files and I can see all of my files, pdf's, word documents, images, etc. However, when I click insert stuff > course files I am only able to see/select image files. I don't know what content experience I am getting.
Brightspace Sharepoint
We use a content repository on Sharepoint to host our files like the course syllabus, assignment descriptions and so fort. When we use the share link from these resources and use the option Create new —> Add link and then want to show the file directly (that's without opening a new window/tab) the file isn't shown.…
updating document
I am uploading an updated version of the syllabus as a pdf file, however when I view the document it shows the old version. What am I doing wrong? thank you
Manage Files and NCE
Hello! In the old Content experience, one was able to Upload a file from a computer to add to a module but then also select the location of that file within Manage files (see attached image). Now in New Content Experience, that functionality is lost. I understand that I can go to Manage Files and then select the Parent…
Overwriting a file in NCE not working
Hello, Faculty are having issues with overwriting files in NCE. When adding a file and then being prompted to overwrite the file or create a new file, the overwrite/replace option doesn't work. When the overwrite option is selected, the old file remains. Others have experienced this problem when deleting the old item and…
Where would a previous course not being offered be stored for the future?
I have other courses that i need to save for a later date. Do i have to store old course information locally or is there a place on Brightspace?
Uploaded a PDF w/in links but the links are not linkable
An uploaded PDF that has links to websites, do not show as linkable. Other than entering same info in a file, are there alternatives. Thank you
Quiz ID
Does anyone know where to find the Quiz ID number?
Question re Manage Files
Is it possible to move a file from the management files section of Brightspace to a folder within that Management files section of each site. I have tried to find a move button however there is no move (there is a cut - however this beaks the link).