Release Notes Updates



  • Tyler.K.389
    Tyler.K.389 Posts: 6 🌱

    @Michel.Marcheterre8271 Yes! That is exactly what I was talking about in my initial post.

    The college I work for has a lot of international students and, while they are expected to know and learn English, it's not always easy. I think having the option to move back and forth from their Native Language to English would benefit them greatly and help make the learning process easier.

  • Dale.F.809
    Dale.F.809 Posts: 1 🌱

    @Tyler.Kron-Piatek26 This is the exact same situation we are in. We have a lot of new international students in our K-12 system but it is (very) cost-prohibitive to add multiple launguages to the LE.

  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123

    We raised the language pack pricing issue with our account team as well.

  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive

    @Michel.Marcheterre8271 , apologies for the confusion. Yes, any languages that appear in the User Menu or Language Management tools are purchased lang packs.

  • Good morning @Mary Mac165,

    Can you clarify what you meant by “language packs do need to be purchased if you want to change the name of your Brightspace Learnng Environment instance”? I have never heard this before. 🤔


  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive

    @Michel.Marcheterre8271 Oh my! That's an unfortunate copy and paste error from a different post I was also writing. I've edited the original text. Apologies. The statement should (and now does) say:

    language packs do need to be purchased if you want to change the language in your Brightspace Learning Environment instance.

  • @Mary Mac165 with Language Packs we mean all the default signposting /tool names and descriptions/ that comes from D2L, right? It doesn't have to do with translating content added by instructors, is that accurate ?


  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive
  • Thanks for that Mary,

    May I also ask, in terms of reporting (aka Data Hub etc) are there two independent instances, say for Englidh and French, or there is common administration?

    Can all learners access both instances?

    Many thanks

  • Judy.B.556
    Judy.B.556 Posts: 58 admin

    April 2023/20.23.4 release notes have been republished and include the following updates:

    • Added on 11-April-2023 Updated the Quizzes – Confirmation dialog for learners exiting a quiz | Updated feature for clarity about the process and end result when exiting an in-progress quiz.
    • Added on 11-April-2023 Updated the LTI – Improved filtering and troubleshooting functionalities for LTI 1.3 | Updated release note to add information about permissions required for administrators.

    Have a good day!

  • Jane.M.801
    Jane.M.801 Posts: 32 Analytics Builder Transition

    HI all,
    Trying to follow your instructions for Subscribe to and comment on Release Notes Updates and ran into this discrepancy immediately:

    We have different roles and access, apparently, so not the same.
    It required drilling a bit to find the Notification Prefs from my access point!
    Had to select Account & Privacy Settings and scroll to find Notification Prefs.

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 580 admin

    @Jane.Maurer7927 That's a great catch!
    We're working to update the documentation Notification Preferences now.
    Grateful to you for connecting with us about this one

  • Jane.M.801
    Jane.M.801 Posts: 32 Analytics Builder Transition

    Thank you!

  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123

    Hi, I have some questions about the AI help tool described in the preview release notes. We currently do NOT link to D2L help, because our site does not necessarily support all the actions displayed in the help. For example, our students cannot edit a discussion post. Our instructors cannot modify their course home pages in any way. Will the AI tool only offer home page management help to our Admins, discussion post editing help to non-students?

  • Sasha.A.192
    Sasha.A.192 Posts: 2 admin
    edited April 2023

    Hi @Renee.Judd6243,

    That's a great question about the new Brightspace Virtual Assistant (BVA). Every BVA instance is customizable and included in all End User Support packages. In partnership with the End User Support (EUS) team, you would be able to capture your organization’s workflows and processes to present to users, along with the documentation from the broader Community (which now includes Help Docs). Since your organization does not yet subscribe to EUS, your D2L Success Manager can offer more information and set up a demo. 

  • Judy.B.556
    Judy.B.556 Posts: 58 admin
    edited April 2023

    • Added on 13-April-2023 Updated the title of the Brightspace Virtual Assistant release note to more clearly reflect the feature.
  • Ashley.B.406
    Ashley.B.406 Posts: 30 admin

    17-Apr-2023 - The April 2023/20.23.4 Release notes have been updated with the following change:

    The Quizzes - Confirmation dialog for learners exiting a quiz | Update feature has been edited to to specify that exiting an in-progress quiz returns users to the Quiz Details page.

  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive

    @Socrates.Anastasiou8650 - Apologies for the delay.
    To your question above: May I also ask, in terms of reporting (aka Data Hub etc) are there two independent instances, say for Englidh and French, or there is common administration? Can all learners access both instances?

    I went to the project management team to make sure I had the nuances correct. Here's what they provided:

    With respect to Data Hub, Data Hub is an org level tool. The data sets within Data Hub include data from the entire Org. In the case of multi-org instances, each org has it's own Data Hub data sets. To analyze data across different orgs, clients would need to use a Business Intelligence tool where they can upload the data sets from all the Orgs.
    With respect to the language packs, whatever lang pack is used in the Org will determine the language found within the content of the data sets. However, the name of the data set columns are hard-coded and are not affected by a language pack. This ensures consistency for any automated workflows that are based on the Data Set column names.

  • Maryna.Z.118
    Maryna.Z.118 Posts: 17 admin

    May 2023/20.23.5 Preview Release Notes have been republished and include the following update:

    Added on 25-April-2023 Updated the Awards – Add criteria to awards in compliance with the latest Open Badges standard | New feature to accurately capture the PIE idea number.

  • Ellen.W.101
    Ellen.W.101 Posts: 12 🌱

    Question about the Brightspace help available via Nav Bars and Home pages. I note that the current Brightspace help site at ( is being decommissioned. Do the home[age widgets and navbar links point to the new Community site?

    And if so, does this require learners to become part of the D2L Community?

  • Ellen.W.101
    Ellen.W.101 Posts: 12 🌱

    Does this require membership in the D2L community site to access?

  • Jonathan.S.595
    Jonathan.S.595 Posts: 80

    Most things don't need a sign-in, but it depends on what page they navigate to.

  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi friends!
    We know you're always excited on Release Day to get your hands on the new Release Notes and Documentation content. We wanted to let you know that we haven't forgotten about you - we're still working on them to make sure they're up to everyone's standard of quality and localization. We'll let you know here (as we do every month) when they're published. Thanks for your patience!

    The Knowledge Team

  • Jane.M.801
    Jane.M.801 Posts: 32 Analytics Builder Transition
    edited May 2023

    Thanks, Mary. I'll keep checking and refreshing the page…😁

  • Judy.B.556
    Judy.B.556 Posts: 58 admin

    Release Notes and help content for May 2023/20.23.5 are live and ready for review.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • Judy.B.556
    Judy.B.556 Posts: 58 admin

    The May 2023/20.23.5 release notes have been updated to remove the User and Role Management – Improved access and enablement for Auditor Tool and Bulk Auditor functions | Updated feature. This feature will be released at a future date.

This discussion has been closed.