Quiz Difficulty Setting
I understand from the documentation on the new quiz creation experience that the quiz difficulty setting is tagged to be sunset. This is a setting that often comes to us from publisher test banks. Will it be displayed upon import, or will it be lost? This is especially helpful to designers, who may not be SMEs for a…
New Quiz to Question Library?
If you make a quick quiz by Create New and manually type in 5 questions. Can you then Import that into the Question Library for self assessment for final exam studying?
Why was the switched tabs event removed?
Why was the switched tabs event removed? This was a useful tool to see if students were leaving the quiz environment when they weren't supposed to be leaving.
Disable audio seeking in quiz
How can I disable seeking on the audio player in a Brightspace quiz? I teach a musicianship class and I'm trying to simulate an aural assessment experience in Brightspace. When this assessment is conducted in the classroom, students are played a melody a set number of times with pauses in between. They listen to the melody…
Resizing Quizzes short answer box?
Can the short answer text box in Quizzes be resized / enlarged so that students can more easily type and view their responses?
Customizing instructions page
I see there is a way to customize the quiz completion page, but I do not see how to update the quiz instructions page. I would like to be able to customize the instructions part of this page. How do I do this?
What does 'quiz entry, switched tab' denote in the Attempt logs on quizzes?
Students only seem to have quiz entry or this option, not both
Managing Quizzes
In manage quizzes, how do I move a quiz from "Without Category" into a Category?
Custom responses
How do I create custom responses to right/wrong answers in a quiz? Alternatively, how to I create customized responses for a pass/fail result on a quiz?
When creating a Multi-Short Answer Question (MSA), what is "Columns" referring to?
What is the difference between the possible selections of 20, 40 or 60?
Is there a way to expose the grading scheme for a particular question?
Most of our quiz questions have an all or nothing point system. One user was recently confused - it was a matching question with 8 combinations. The question had Right Minus Wrong grading, and the user got 4 answers right, and 4 wrong, for a score of 0. They thought they got all the answers wrong, hence their answer of 0.…
Migrating from Sakai?
Welcome Sakaigers, you come from an amazing community of folks across Higher Ed who made a big impact in the post-secondary LMS space when change was needed, and the Sakai community has allied with D2L before. Some things that might help you: Importing Courses: Server-side/Admin-only Sakai archives can be imported into…
Irat Trat quizzes
There's a popular kind of teaching called Team-Based Learning (TBL) which includes flipping the classroom and doing quizzes called RATs as soon as students walk in the door each class. RAT = Readiness Assessment Test. In TBL, the students first do the individual RAT (iRAT), typically a 10-question multiple choice quiz on…
Associating competencies to questions
I have developed an exam that randomly draws questions from many pools (sections) of questions. I have created competencies and learning objectives, and associated the competencies to the sections. However, I'm not seeing the competencies being marked off for the learner when they should be. I have tried changing the…
How do I see a student's answers in a quiz?
Hello, a parent just told me that some of the questions on a math quiz were not covered in the course material, so when I went to check on the questions and answers that the student put in, it shows two attempts, but it doesn't show the actual questions that the student was given. Is there a way to see this? Thank you in…
How do I write a formula for Compound interest in a quiz on D2L using the arithmetic option?
I have tried a few attempts...I think I am not doing something correctly with the exponent part of the formula? Any thoughts would help greatly thanks! Here is the ne I was trying {p}*((1+{r}/100)^({t}-1)
How to access the time spent by a learner on each question while giving a quiz?
I have set up a quiz which is available to learners. I want to access the amount of time spent by each learner on each question (Even the timestamp of when each question was answered would do). As of now I can access the correctness report of each learner after the test is given, but is there any way I can get the time…
Quiz Feature
Is there a way, after students have take a quiz you can set the settings so they can go back in and see which questions they got correct and which ones they got incorrect?
Export existing quiz as CSV?
I know we can import as CSV, allowing us to download a template. I am also aware that we can export as “Brightspace package”, “Common cartridge”, and “Thin common cartridge”, but I don't find an export as CSV option.
Quizzes: Partial Grading Feature?
Item: A quiz with multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions Question: Is there a way to set up the multiple-choice questions to be graded automatically and the open-ended questions to be graded manually?