Images marked as decorative are reset after saving

We use decorative images in our units and lessons, as shown for a unit in figure 1:
After adding such images to a unit (or lesson) one gets the option to mark the image as decorative by ticking the box, as shown in figure 2 (in Dutch):
After inspecting the code the image uses a null alt text and null title attribute. This satifies W3C Techniques for WCAG 2.0 Criterion H67 for images that AT (assistive technologies) should ignore. Everything fine so far. However, after running D2L's accessibility checker from the HTML editor, it identifies a problem and suggests to mark the image as decorative (again), as shown in figure 3:
Doing so adds role="presentation" to the image as well, besides the null alt and title. But after saving and closing and then editing again the image is again flagged to be marked as decorative, since the role="presentation" is not present anymore.
Is this specific for images in units or lessons that role="presentation" is removed after saving and closing the page? Since this problem does not occur with images marked as decorative present on content pages (HTML templates)
Moreover, it would be desirable, in my opion that the accessibilty checker accepts images as decorative if they follow the H67 criterion. Thus empty null alt and either null title or absent title. No need for the role="presentation". Or does this serve a specific function within the Brightspace LMS?
Hello @Arman.V.176,
Thank you for reaching out to us via Brightspace Community!
I found a similar defect to the issue you are currently experiencing: 01440903. The defect is currently open and being investigated by our internal teams.
I hope this helps!
Thank you,