Question about OAuth 2.0 authentication/authorization stage
Hiya, Just wondering if the client shell for OAuth 2.0 authentication linked in this article is appropriate for production use to obtain access tokens? Application: Or, would we have to develop our own workflow? Or use a library? I'm quite new to this, and so far I've been testing on a locally hosted server but I don't…
Getting an error when trying to download User Attribute Values or User Attribute Definitions
Trying to download these two data sets but I end up with this error. What could be causing it?
What is the max length of the data column of type "unique identifier"?
In some of the data set ERDs, there are columns identified as "unique identifier" data type (i.e. Activity Feed Post Log > LogId). We are warehousing data from these sets. I can code this column as a varchar but how long do these strings get?
Core analytics guide - group categories dataset
I'm making a dashboard about rubric assestment and i want to join this info with groups info. Group entities are stored on Organizational Units, but there is no info about group categories there. Where i can find the group categories data? which dataset?
Integrations? D2L Standard CSV, Valence API, which others?
In the documentation of D2L Standard CSV 2.0/2.1 it says "D2L Standard CSV is one of the many information system integration options that are commonly used by D2L clients". Other than the D2L Standard CSV in different versions, and the Valence API, which other integrations are available for integration of course templates,…
On the data set: Content User Completion, is Date Completed - the first date they completed content?
Looking at the data set: Content User completion. The information for the field Date Completed is as follows: DateCompleted Date content was completed (UTC). Field can be null. datetime2 Does this mean that once this is populated with a date it remains static, and doesn't get overwritten if the user revists the content at…
Is there a plan to allow appropriate instructor-level access to Data Hub?
Right now, we—as admins—need to pull reports for our instructors. This is because "the Data Hub tool can only be used at the org level and reports generated from within the Data Hub tool contain all org data." (from d2l's documentation). It would be nice if there was a way to allow Data Hub to be pre-filtered to only show…
What is the path to get org unit paths?
This API route - PUT /d2l/api/lp/(version)/orgstructure/(orgUnitId) - requires Path as part of the OrgUnit.OrgUnitProperties { "Identifier": <string:D2LID>, "Name": <string>, "Code": <string>|null, "Path": <string>, "Type": { <composite:OrgUnit.OrgUnitTypeInfo> } } However, the similar GET call does not return Path. The…
How do I change my role in Domo?
I'm a Brightspace Super Admin, but in Domo I only have an Author role. How do I change my role in Domo to Admin (or at least Privileged)? I tried submitting a case ticket directly to Domo, but they replied, "I believe this is a better question to be asked of Brightspace Help Desk as they will have more context on your…
When I accessed the Health Checks area in Brightspace, it displayed this SMTP error, displayed...
When I accessed the Health Checks area in Brightspace, it displayed this SMTP error, displayed below. Has anyone experienced this before as well? What does it mean?
We can pull login times, course access times, but these are start times. Does anyone have a way...
We can pull login times, course access times, but these are start times. Does anyone have a way to get to elapsed time in the LMS? I'd even take login, logout, though I have a feeling that most people working from home simply set their login time out. But if it can time out, there must be an elapsed time somewhere, and a…
Can we get clarification about differential data sets?
It's not clear to me from reading the documentation if every differential data set contains changes relative to the preceding differential data set or not. Consider: * Monday 4am - Full data set is generated * Monday 8am - Diff data set is generated * Tuesday 8am - Diff data set is generated * Wednesday 8am - Diff data set…
BDS: What is the difference between Org Unit Ancestors and Org Unit Parents?
I do see that Org Unit Parents has an additional column, for "Row Version". What is row version? I do not find its definition.
I am going to the Fusion PostCon workshop: "Let's Help You Jump Start Your Data Sets Use!" What...
I am going to the Fusion PostCon workshop: "Let's Help You Jump Start Your Data Sets Use!" What sdk, etc., should I bring to get the best use? The description says I will be importing data sets into a SQL Server Database. Here are some questions I have: The datasets will be JSON objects, right? So will I be using some sort…