How to extract learner usage for one student in one course?
How can an outside system extract learner usage for one student in one course? If it is through an API, which API
Where does "Course Section Code" live within the Analytics Builder Datasets?
I am looking to develop a report for uploading into Ellucian's CRM Advise. This will require me to use the "Course Section Code" which lives in the All Grades Advanced Data Set but there is no All Grades Data set within Report builder. Goal is to make the tables within Analytics builder without having to develop a script…
Important announcement: Update to Creator+ Data Set documentation
The Creator+ data sets help topic is updated to include new information as part of the August 20.24.8 release. Please refer to this topic for CreatorPlusPracticesAdoption data set information.
Why are there fields (like SemesterID) in the advanced data sets but not the standard datasets?
And why aren't all the fields in the entire database available in the standard data sets? Do I have to export Advanced Data sets and the import them for analyses and vizzes? t
How do I modify a visualization
I am an analytics builder author and I created a visualization and want to add another column. How do I edit the analysis once a visualization is published? I can't imagine I have to recreate the whole thing again. Can I unpublish it?
Underlying SQL?
Once I create and analysis in the analytics builder using the GUI is there a way to get to the underlying SQL to make modifications?
Brightspace Media Player and tracking user views
Hi, We want to be able to track which of our learners have watched a video (and ultimately if they watched the whole video or just 10minutes), I can't find anything obvious in the User Progress documentation or the Brightspace data sets that is about Media Player. Was wondering if anyone knew if this was possible, and if…
Help with Postman and API connection
I'm new to working with APIs and have a project here at the college that I need to access the Datasets available in the Brightspace API. I'm trying to follow the "Learn Postman with Paul" course found here. And I'm stuck. My goal is to access the Datasets for All Grades, Final Grades, Content Progress and Learner Usage. To…
Regarding Rest API - Courses data and Users data
Hi Team, I am developing one LTI widget for Brightspace which requires some rest apis. I want to fetch course complete structure like course , module/submodule , topic /activity each module progress , completion data and also each activity completion status , grade etc for enrolled users . I can see few of data are…
Can you define a temporary dataset and then connect to it in a second step of a process?
I am trying to connect Users to User Logins to Organizational Units so I can get faculty logins by college and department. Tried a few different ways but no luck.
Is there a way to get a report of who deactivated which users?
LeaP integration: Connecting content and learning objectives
Currently, we are in the process of redesigning some of our business courses, and we have initiated the integration of LeaP. We have had a few questions during this process, and I would greatly appreciate your assistance in addressing them. 1. What are the best practices for ensuring that the course content remains aligned…
How to create a report?
As a teacher, is there a way that I can have the system create a report for me? I know how to access all of this info within my HUB, however it is time consuming to look up each item for each learner. How can I have the HUB compile a report for me of: date of most recent quiz completed date of most recent assignment…
Is there a way to pull specific course data from brightspace
Good Day all, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to extract singular class data from Brightspace (i.e., class list, user progress in course, user completion, final grades, etc.)? I have an understanding that Data Hub may be my best friend for this but I don't even know where to start, and based from my recent…
How do I get a complete list of our users?
The users page only has an option for New User. I need a list of all users. Thanks!
D2L hours report
Hi..does anyone know how to run a report on the hours that an instructor has taught?
Report for inactive vs. active users
What is the best report to use run to look for active vs. inactive users in a particular org unit? This is not based off a particular activity or assignment in the course. We are looking for active vs. inactive users - I don't see that option other than going to the Classlist and looking at each individual enrollee.