Safelisting / Whitelisting
Hello, I am wondering if there is a way of tightening the safe listing / whitelisting so that our clients can only login to our subdomain while accessing whatever other subdomains the components and apis need to reach out to function. My employer does not our clients having access to logon to other organization's…
Registering account and OAuth 2.0
Hello, I am a new developer currently studying Computer Science at Michigan State University. I would like to register my test developer application and gain admindtrstaive privleges to access the Estensilbity tool. My goal is to make API calls to D2L from my web application project.
Getting Org_Defined_Id within Storyline SCORM
I have a Storyline object running inside Brightspace. I need to get the learner's Org Defined ID or course location to customize some of the Storyline object to the learner. If I understand correctly, the SCORM API does not provide this data. Is there any other way to get it from within Storyline? Can I call the Valence…
Unable to send section creation request via API
I am trying to create a section via the API but I'm running into issues. I think the server is interpreting my POST request as a GET request and failing to perform the operation I am requesting. Would somebody please provide a full example of a successful section creation request that I can reference? API route in…
What is the stable version of D2L Brightspace API version ?
Hi All, We have used 1.12 version for below routes. We need to know what the stable and recommended version of api. Based on my understanding 1.23 and 1.24 are right now. some time back we received one issue and D2L suggested to move to new version of D2L api. What is your recommandation ? Existing routes in our…
API add topic
This is driving me mad I can add a URL topic, no problem. However, adding a FILE topic is proving to be impossible, I always get a 400 error. I tried postman, python, and curl. Trying to stay as close to example in the documentation as possible. I know the URL is not correct for my instance. curl --http1.1 --request POST \…
APIs for Student responses/answers
Are there any APIs where we can fetch the student's responses/answers for assignments in D2L?
Accessing course enrollments through API calls
I'm accessing https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/enroll.html#get--d2l-api-lp-(version)-enrollments-myenrollments-. However, I keep receiving "Message: "Insufficient scope to call API.Required: core:*:*"" I've added the scopes "core:*:*" and "enrollment:own_enrollment:read" to my Oauth2 application and yet the error…
Cannot access my enrolements
I'm trying to access the following end-point https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/enroll.html#get--d2l-api-lp-(version)-enrollments-myenrollments- However I keep receiving "HTTP request returned status code 403: { Errors: [ {Message: "Insufficient scope to call API.Required: core:*:*"} ] }" I added the core:*:* and…
News service API resulst in 403 (forbidden) when retieving anouncements fot a user
When I use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/news/user/(userId)/ tot get the announcements for a specific user I get an HTTP 403 Forbidden message unless the API call is performed by a user who is granted the (Super) Admin role. When I use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/news/ to get the announcements for a given orgunit it…
Get information about LTI tool linked to a topic
When I create a link to a tool like FeedbackFruits a topic with the LTI link is created. Hen I retrieve the information about the topic I set: "ToolId": 390000, "ToolItemId": 50187 The ToolId 390000 refers to "External Learning Tools". I think that ToolItemIs 501987 refers to the FeedbackFruits tool I selected but I can…
What is wrong with this Brightspace API (Copy Course Components)?
Hello everyone, I am not sure what is wrong with this Postman Brightspace API. I am following the guide here: The import api using a zip export worked perfectly, but the request that copies from a sourceID to a targetID is giving me an error (POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/import/(orgUnitId)/copy/) Appreciate any feedback.
The access token is for another tenant
Been learning to use Brightspace API via POSTMAN, created OAuth 2 application. Have followed https://github.com/Brightspace/Postman-Collections instructions. I can receive access token from OAuth 2. When tried to call "/users/whoami" got 401 "The access token is for another tenant". Can someone assist me?
Is there any API for Question Library?
Is there any API for Question Library? I checked the documentation but couldn't see it. I also tried to use the existing endpoint but it doesn't return questions if they are part of the question library. GET: /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/quizzes/(quizId)/questions/
Intergrate ChatGPT into learning content
We are exploring embedding an API key into a Storyline file while ensuring its confidentiality. We have been working on xAPI file built using the Articulate Storyline eLearning authoring tool. I am having difficulty hiding the API key for ChatGPT, and I was hoping there might be a solution for hiding the API key based on…
Unable to authenticate to D2L brightspace from our code base, need your inputs and help
we are currently using oath2.0 to connect to brighspace and all of the sudden we are unable to get access tokens, could you please give us a call ?
Access to Brightspace Client Course - Learn Postman with Paul
Hello, How can I get access to the client course: Learn Postman with Paul? This is the error I received when I clicked on the course link:
How to get the grade from the dropbox in the API
Hello, I'm new using the brightspace api and I'm a bit lost in the data schema. If I have a dropbox folder in a course that I can request with this request /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/ (https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/dropbox.html#get--d2l-api-le-(version)-(orgUnitId)-dropbox-folders-) This…