Tag management api

Is there existing API's for getting values under Tag management?
Hello @Anuja.k.619
Thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community.
Unfortunately, there are no existing API's available under Tag Management at the moment.
I did find a similar existing idea on our Product Idea Exchange(PIE) -https://desire2learn.brightidea.com/ideas/D6497
If you would like more options I would suggest the submission of a PIE item, or upvoting one that suits your use case.
Brightspace Community Idea Site: Submissions (brightidea.com)
We look forward to hearing from you at the Product Idea Exchange!
Ashwin Ravi
Thank you for responding back. I am looking to perform ep API call. But i dont, understand , how to pass query parameters as EP object IDs.. COuld you send me some examples, on how to perform this API call?
GET /d2l/api/eP/(version)/objects/tags/
Retrieve all the tags associated with a set of EP objects.
- version (D2LID) – API version.
Query Parameters:
- objects (CSV) – List of EP object IDs.
Status Codes:
- 200 OK – Action succeeded.
- 400 Bad Request – Badly formatted list of EP object IDs provided.
- 403 Forbidden – No permission to see EP objects.
- 404 Not Found – No EP objects found.
- 429 Too Many Requests – API call-rate limit exceeded.
API Versions:
- 2.5+ – Route first appears in LMS v10.4.0.
- 2.4- – Obsolete as of LMS v10.7.0.
Return. This action returns a JSON structure mapping the EP object IDs you provided (as JSON property names) onto the
data blocks associated with each EP object ID, like this:{ "<string:EP_object_ID>": [ { <composite:EP.TagObject> }, { <composite:EP.TagObject> }, ... ], "<string:EP_object_ID>": [ { <composite:EP.TagObject> }, { <composite:EP.TagObject> }, ... ], ... }
We have opened new PIE:Provide an option to download full list of Tags on the Tag Management page (D11426) but currently it's in Non planned status.
API call expects Objectid which we dont have it.