News service API resulst in 403 (forbidden) when retieving anouncements fot a user
When I use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/news/user/(userId)/ tot get the announcements for a specific user I get an HTTP 403 Forbidden message unless the API call is performed by a user who is granted the (Super) Admin role. When I use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/news/ to get the announcements for a given orgunit it…
Migrating from Sakai?
Welcome Sakaigers, you come from an amazing community of folks across Higher Ed who made a big impact in the post-secondary LMS space when change was needed, and the Sakai community has allied with D2L before. Some things that might help you: Importing Courses: Server-side/Admin-only Sakai archives can be imported into…
Schedule more than one announcement
Does anyone know if its possible to schedule more than one Announcement for the same course? ie when we set up a course it would be great to get 4 or 5 announcements scheduled to go out at various points e.g for exam reminders etc
Option to Publish or Draft when copying Announcements to Courses.
I noticed that when you copy an Announcement to other courses (up to 10) the announcement goes into the course, but you still have to go into each individual course and publish it. Could there be an option to publish or leave as a draft when you select the course to copy the Announcement to? This would be more efficient…
Permissions to enable new feature Announcements – Copy announcements to other courses | New
I have reviewed our organization's roles and permissions. I cannot find the Announcements > Copy to Other Courses permission to use the new feature from the November 2023 release. Would someone be able to confirm if the feature is fully released and available or if I am looking in the wrong place? I also reviewed the…
Can announcements be sent to departments?
Brightspace Quizzes and ReadSpeaker
Hi D2L and ReadSpeaker Members, In the last rolling update from D2L, something happened that caused the D2L to skip the ReadSpeaker webReader player in quizzes. D2L currently has an internal/defect ticket (#01882671,) and they are currently working with ReadSpeaker developers to correct the issue. Since ReadSpeaker does…
Can typing an "announcement" be turned off when the instructor is in "learner mode" ?
I've had the frustration of typing out an entire announcement while I was inadvertently in "learner mode" only to have the announcement vanish after I hit "publish" and an "Error" statement appears that I don't have the authority to post... It would be great if the "announcement" interface was not available when the…
Does dismissing an announcement stop new enrollees getting a notification?
We have a Student Hub in Brightspace with key student info with several announcements posted. Does dismissing announcements from this space prevent notifications for dismissed announcements getting sent out when new students are enrolled on this space?
I have my classes set up so that I receive an email of announcements-function not working in 1 class
I have attached a image of the how I have it set up in Notifications (of announcements)
Best Practices with examples - Announcements
Does anyone have a best practices with examples for Announcements? I find our Announcements are very inconsistent with LARGE FONTS, Colors, Bold and some text that runs on forever. Thanks
How can I make announcements stay up instead of requiring click to show
How can I make announcements stay up instead of requiring click to "Show all Announcements". If this is not possible, is there an alternative widget to "Announcements" that would work the same way on a home page, but not remove them? Also: What causes announcements to become hidden from view? Is it just evolved time or…
Announcement Emails as Admin
Is there a way to receive announcements as emails for a particular course as an admin?
Public Files
How do I know if a file is in the /custom_widgets/news folder in Public Files? I am attempting to upload a photo there that can be added to a WidgetConfig as outlined in the Slim Announcement Widget. I uploaded the file to Manage Files in Campus Administration (which actually says Course Administration when you get to the…
Inquiry about Brightspace Widget for Displaying Announcements as a Slider or Carousel
I would like to inquire if there is a widget in Brightspace that has the ability to display announcements in thumbnail size and then slide to the next. This is very similar to an image slider or carousel, but instead of images, it shows and slides announcements. If yes, please let me know how to use it.
Is there a way for admin to enable email notifications for all students
The pulse app has announcement notifications turned on by default, but the students' email notifications for the same are not turned on by default. Is there a way for an admin to turn these on for all students? Thank you, Amy
How can I delete that very first global announcement?
I assume that someone created this announcement during the setup of our system, and I would like to delete it. But I cannot see it in the "Global Announcements" admin tool. New users see this: Admin "Global Announcements" tool shows nothing:
I am trying to create a topic post when students complete an action. I am getting the dreaded...
I am trying to create a topic post when students complete an action. I am getting the dreaded Status 400 error : Request has missing or invalid parameters. I have checked the API reference for CreatePostData. Here is the sample code so far : let postString = '{"ParentPostId": null, "Subject": "This is a test post via API",…