Schedule more than one announcement
Hey there @kate.s.707,
Absolutely you can schedule more than one annoucement for the same course.
When you create a new annoucement, you would choose a future start date so that the annoucement will become available to students on that specified start date. (e.g. the date 5 days before the exam to remind students).
Once you set a future start date, you would still select "Publish" rather than "Save Draft" to ensure the annoucement is scheduled to go out on that date. See screenshot below, where the status for the annoucement is "Scheduled" to be published on Dec 1 at 10:07AM ET
You could also look at using release conditions on your annoucement(s), which would allow you to specify certain criteria/actions that students need to meet in the course to see that annoucement. More details on release conditions here.
thank you! i assume the system lets you 'schedule' several for the same course in one go?
Hello @kate.s.707,
If you would like to set the dates in one go then may I suggest you try using the 'Manage Dates' tool to set the announcement dates. This tool allows you to set the dates in bulk.
I hope this helps!
Thank you,
Hello @Rusha.S.831 - where can i find that tool? apologies, quite new to the system!