Notification settings for faculty

Caroline.S.720 Posts: 25 🌱

It seems to me that the list of notifications that are available for users in Brightspace are all student-applicable (such as when grades are released, etc.), but not instructor-applicable (such as when a student submits an assignment, etc.)

Is there a way to enable instructor-applicable notifications?



  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 296 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @Caroline.Silver1518,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Brightspace Community with your question!

    If your institution's administration has enabled notifications for instructors:

    Select your Profile> Notifications> select Contact Methods> Select Summary of Activity> Select Instant Notifications> Customize Notifications> Save.

    You may also want to reference our documentaion for Setting your Notification Preferences.

    Note: If you do not have the ‘Notifications’ option within your profile, we recommend reaching out to your institution's administration to explore having them enable notifications.

  • Caroline.S.720
    Caroline.S.720 Posts: 25 🌱

    Thanks Julie.

    We DO have the option to choose which notifications we want. The trouble is that the choice of possible notifications is student-focused, not faculty-focused. Faculty would like to choose to to be notified when a student submits an assignment or when a student has completed a quiz, etc. Those are not options. The options are ones that students would be interested in. Is there any way to change the list of possible notifications?

  • Diana.T.256
    Diana.T.256 Posts: 1 🌱

    Looking for help with the same issue! @Julie.L.787 any updates?

  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 296 ⏸️ Inactive
    edited February 2024

    Hi @Diana.T.256 @Caroline.S.720,

    Apologies for the delayed response. I'm connecting you with documentation outlining all of the things that the Notifications tool can send updates for. If you are not seeing these options, I recommend connecting with your school's administrator or IT help desk, as it's possible that they need to configure part of the tool from their end to allow you to see all options.


  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 30

    For future visitors to this thread, I've found that the faculty-focused notification settings for things like assignments and quizzes aren't located where one would expect… but there are means for achieving moderately similar results by leveraging other features.

    (a) The My Courses widget on the main organization homepage can be configured by your institution's site administrator to display icons under each course tile to indicate unread assignment submissions, quiz submissions, and forum posts.

    (b) Instructors can set up automated email notifications of assignment or quiz submissions by entering their address in the relevant field inside the editor window for each activity.

    Note that these email addresses do carry over into future iterations of a course when copied, so if you assign a different instructor to a copied course it's helpful to let them know these fields need to be updated!)

    (c) Instructors can use Quick Eval to see lists of submissions for all of their courses, or an alternate view that allows them to select by course and activity type. (We have a link to Quick Eval on our main organization homepage so instructors don't have to drill down into a specific course to see it.)